mixing water and salt


hello yesterday i made my water up and the salt level is still lower so i add more salt into the bucket where i am making the water up i just add some more salt in an hour ago how long will i have to wait intill i can change the water ?


Well-Known Member

Depending on your tank and inhabitants, you can change your water, each day, once a week or once a month. Some people go longer and it isn't whether or not the tank "looks" dirty. The more often you do the water change the less water you have to swap out.
For example:
Each day: change out 1%
Once each week: 10%
Once each month: 25%- 30%
Those guide lines are for a healthy smooth running tank. If you have problems
then you have to change maybe 50%, no more than that
unless you have experienced a crash.
Rule of thumb: after you get your new water at the SG you want, let it sit and churn with a power head for at least 24 hours before use.
When mixing saltwater, it's best to use an airstone or powerhead and a heater. I usually let mine sit a day but others wait 2 days. Before the water change, I just make sure the PH, temp, and salinity are the same as my tank water.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by QueenAngel920
When mixing saltwater, it's best to use an airstone or powerhead and a heater. I usually let mine sit a day but others wait 2 days. Before the water change, I just make sure the PH, temp, and salinity are the same as my tank water.

+1 on the power head or airstone..

JMO...It isn't necessary to make sure the temp is the same, you change out so little that it won't change the temp in the main tank..however heating the water is a good idea, it helps to desolve the salt.
PH is always perfect in new water, so I never bothered with that either. I just match SG.
Ditto with flower, even in my 29 gallon I don't bother to match temp exactly. room temperature (~72) and matching the SG are fine. even at a 20% water change with a 10 degree difference in temp (max difference i would think/hope) you are only going to change the total temp by 2 degrees if you add all of the water at once. Add a gallon or so at a time and you cut that down even more. That also isn't taking into affect the heater running during the water change and the ability of water to resist change in temperature.