Mixing Wrasses


OK so I have a 75 gallon reef tank and I have a yellow tang, falco hawkfish (which I am getting rid of), melanurus wrasse, mandarin dragonet, and a pair of occ. clowns.
So I want to get an exquisite wrasse, will he be ok with my melanurus wrasse in the same tank. I have had a mystery wrasse with the melanurus previously, if this will make a difference.


being that it is a different body shape it SHOULD be okay.. this of course also depends on the temperament of your current wrasse with the rest of your inhabitants....


Well the yellow tang only messes with his reflection in the glass, the dragonet does her own thing, the clownfish nothing, the hawkfish is a little aggresive but he is going out of the tank, and the melanurus wrasse used to chase the mystery usually around feeding time or up to 30 minutes after feeding then they wouldn't bother each other.
So I am guessing if the wrasse is nice enough to the dragonet it should be good also me previosly having the mystery wrasse with him


Anyone else want to chime in because in 30 mins I am going out, my mom is getting a new car! (idk what kind) and then I am getting my mp40!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I think I will skip on a sand-sifting goby and just get the exquisite(most likely) and a starry blenny.


the wrasse sounds good... havent had any experiance with the blenny so good luck with that one...
and an MP 40! have fun with THAT!!!!!


The wrasses should be ok. I definitely recommend keeping the lights off for the day once the fairy wrasse is added. Fairy wrasses tend to be far less aggressive than the Melanarus. If the Melanarus at all sees that the Exquisite is a "whimp", it may take advantage of it...


OK well they don't have the mp40 in :( , but they will get it in on Thursday. So in the meantime I am going to catch the hawk-fish, and move my two koralias, one lower on the left side pointing towards my overflow and one going across the back glass. The exquisite wrasse looks like a Fiji one, it is also about 2.5-3 inches and is eating frozen, pellet, and even nori. So i think I am going to do it, is there any way I could lower the chances of aggression with the two wrasse? I always turn off my lights when I have new fish. Also if anyone has any other experiences with adding these two wrasses together please chime in here, OH and any pictures of your exquisite wrasse will be appreciated.


Active Member
I have a mystery,a potters wrasse,and a melanarus in a 120g will be getting a labout's fairy wrasse


OK so I caught my falcon hawk-fish earlier and went to ls traded him in and got my exquisite wrasse. So I temperature acclimated him and then did the drip method and then I put him in this mesh "cage" i guess you would call it, and the Melanie's didn't go after him. Also during the time in the "cage" I examined him and he is a Fiji male. So I put him in the tank and the Melanie's didn't see him but when he did he was shocked at first and then checked him out and nipped went after him a little bit and then stopped. It wasn't as bad as when I added my mystery and he lived so i guess this is a good sign so then the lights went out and everyone hid.
I am going to open a new thread with my questions and pictures whenever I can get them some time tomorrow.