Originally Posted by choog
I hate the yankees organization, but I like many of their players and have tremendous respect for Joe Torre. George S and most yankee fans are too fickle. Joe Torre has no right to be fired. And I don't feel that A-Rod was appreciated enough. Regarless of the errors he had in his first year at third, he will go down in history as the greatest player to ever play the position. Most, not all but most yankee fans are fair-weather fans.
Unfortunately many Yankee fans are fair-wheather fans. The type of fan that'll got out and by a hat because it's cool, a RED/YELLOW/GREEN Yankee shirt??? Then they're arrogant when "their team" is winning. But, try to talk to them about what's going on with the team and they have no clue. Really erks me, and gives us true Yankee fans a bad rap. As for A-rod - I could do without him. His [postseason numbers are terrible... What good is a player that can't perform in the postseason?? I miss Brosius...
BJOE - You're right, Jeter BLEW... Very uncharactoristic of him though. But 3 DP's and umteen stranded... Man, very frustrating postseason for us. I love Torre and would hate to see him go anywhere. Other than him though, there are a lot of changes we need to make.
CC and Carmona are real tough... It should make for a great series. I'd like to see the winner face the Rockies in the series.