MLB to Fans: Your irrelevant


Originally Posted by bayside
are you really talking to me about icestorms? i live in minnesota i think i have seen quite a few winter storms here, never had a problem with my ondemand hidef cable, cant say the same for direct tv. had both at the same time for a year and my cable greatly outperformed direct tv.
appreciate your opinion but direct tv isnt for me or much of minnesota, but hey thats just my opinion just like all of yours
you are correct that it is our opinions, if cable works for you then you should stick with it. Directv works for me, like I said in an earlier post I hate my local cable company, they are so over priced and not very customer friendly. Its bad enough I am paying $50.00 a month for internet access with them. If the local cable company is not willing to sell Directv its local sports programming, why should Directv not be allowed to have exclusivity with NFL and MLB ?? Its only fair dont you think ? So I am glad anytime Directv can take programming away from the local cable company.


Active Member
I also have never had a problem with DTV. I live in a rural part of CO and do get quite a bit of bad weather (snow, Ice, thunder storms). I think in the 10 years I've had DTV it has gone out once b/c snow was on the dish itself.
My mother just recently switched to DTV (new customer) and got the full HD package with the new HD-DVR and I believe she paid less then $300 w/ a premeir programming package.
I just bought a new HD TV yesterday. I was going to buy all the components and install myself but found that through DTV I could get the HD-DVR and the new 5 lmb dish and installed for $350 plus rebates and free programming. I also don't have to pay the HD cost for 3 months (saving $30).
I don't think the leagues in question are to blame along with the NFL network. Its the carriers that won't pay the price to carry the programming. I know this is true for Dish Network and the NFL b/c I know someone fairly high up in the company and plainly said that Dish will never pay what the NFL wants for the NFL package. I don't know about MLB.
Overall i don't have a choice b/c I can't get cable service if I wanted to. So really don't know if I would consider it but for the cash I pay and the service I get i'll stick with DTV.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Johnny84
you are correct that it is our opinions, if cable works for you then you should stick with it. Directv works for me, like I said in an earlier post I hate my local cable company, they are so over priced and not very customer friendly. Its bad enough I am paying $50.00 a month for internet access with them. If the local cable company is not willing to sell Directv its local sports programming, why should Directv not be allowed to have exclusivity with NFL and MLB ?? Its only fair dont you think ? So I am glad anytime Directv can take programming away from the local cable company.
I agree with you to a point...but beleive MLB will have to decide if they want to pull the access and move it to DirecTV only. The second highest bidder was 210 million less than DirecTV I beleive over the 7 year period.
I have heard complaints in this town about the lousy cable service.
Tim...what you have posted is correct. You can build up costs with the more bells and whistles you add. However, you can also get it is as I have posted with little to no upfront cost. We all need to review our TV requirements and tie that to budget. But there is NO $500 setup charge across the board for all to pay.
I beleive I paid 350 for installation and receivers SEVERAL years ago. It never approached $500...much of this is now free especailly if you go with one receiver. Again, budget should dictate how many bells/whistles you can or should add.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
I also have never had a problem with DTV. I live in a rural part of CO and do get quite a bit of bad weather (snow, Ice, thunder storms). I think in the 10 years I've had DTV it has gone out once b/c snow was on the dish itself.
My DirecTV service has gone out a couple times over the years during monsoon season in bad TS's but only for a brief perios of minutes..and just a couple times. . My mom has cable TV...that goes out more frequently and the service is not the greatest when you have a problem.
I've never had to call DirecTV for any problem as I recall.
I'm sure many will be pleased if they make the move from cable to DirecTV should MLB decide to grant them exclusive rights.
The debatable point is if MLB should do it? Well, they have already done so with satellite radio granting XM radio EXCLUSIVE right for the Home Plate package. So, if you support satellite radio as proposed here you are still supporting an EXCLUSIVE MLB sports package that only those that subscibe to the service have access too.


Active Member
I am referring to your out of line post #29. No need to talk to people like that. Please remember that these posts are suppose to be informative and or fun. Yours was disrespectful and uncalled for.


Active Member
I'm with ya Scuba, The thing that costs is the HD-DVR! $300 bucks is pricey but I think well worth it. I think with just the HD reciever it would be $200 less.
After pricing what Circuit City wanted for all the parts DTV was at least a 100 cheaper plus the free install and some perks on programming......
On problem I have to wait a couple weeks until they can out here!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Opps..forgot the receiver...oh yeah..that;s free..and startup cost still zero. Total first month charge about 1/10th of what was posted and each month thereafter about $56 per..
Your DIRECTV® System
You currently have no saved system.
Save Print Email
Startup Costs
Instant Online Rebate -$99.00
1 Handling and Delivery Fee
1 Standard Professional Installation
Total Startup Costs: $0.00
Your First Month's Bill
First Month's Total: $55.98
Mail-in Redemption -$10.00
Final Monthly Total:* $45.98

To correct this...the 45.98 is actually for the entire first contract year/12 mos. The redemption mail-in is for each month of the first year.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
************* Please don't quote someone else's bad behavior. We'll remove it when we see it. 1Journeyman

SOrry, I neglected to delete the behavior from the quote and never should have responded to the behavior in another.
Both of those were my bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TurningTim
I'm with ya Scuba, The thing that costs is the HD-DVR! $300 bucks is pricey but I think well worth it. I think with just the HD reciever it would be $200 less....!
I just ordered a HD DVR from them. $300 for installation and device, but then they gave me $200 in rebates....


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I just ordered a HD DVR from them. $300 for installation and device, but then they gave me $200 in rebates....
Are you already a customer? I may have to call them back!


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I am referring to your out of line post #29. No need to talk to people like that. Please remember that these posts are suppose to be informative and or fun. Yours was disrespectful and uncalled for.

Whatever Hot ..... if it is that important to you I can go else where , the world doesnt revolve around for me. I dont particulary like being called a liar... and that is what happened.
Just remember where most people would have skunked you I gave you $10 more than what you asked for when we made a trade. Keep shooing honest people away from the site and see where it gets you.
As for you Scuba continue to ignore the posted fact right off of Direct
465 some odd dollars for set up.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Whatever Hot ..... if it is that important to you I can go else where , the world doesnt revolve around for me. I dont particulary like being called a liar... and that is what happened.
Just remember where most people would have skunked you I gave you $10 more than what you asked for when we made a trade. Keep shooing honest people away from the site and see where it gets you.
As for you Scuba continue to ignore the posted fact right off of Direct
465 some odd dollars for set up.

I just ordered the service........$199 setup fee because I got the HD-DVR box.
As for your earlier comments, they were uncalled for and such language is not allowed on this site. I have traded with hot883 several times and believe him to be one of the better people on this site. You screwed up, so be a man and admit you were wrong instead of attacking others.
Oh, and by the way, I am the one that e-mailed Barry about your little post since the "Report Bad Post" feature has been disabled.
There are rules on the site and if you don't like them....go somewhere else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
I just ordered the service........$199 setup fee because I got the HD-DVR box.
As for your earlier comments, they were uncalled for and such language is not allowed on this site. I have traded with hot883 several times and believe him to be one of the better people on this site. You screwed up, so be a man and admit you were wrong instead of attacking others.
Oh, and by the way, I am the one that e-mailed Barry about your little post since the "Report Bad Post" feature has been disabled.
There are rules on the site and if you don't like them....go somewhere else.

Who made you god of SWF????
Im sure the mods appreciate you staining your Texas nose brown. But what you just posted is slightly uncalled for as well.
By the way I dont care if you emailed the corrupt president about my earlier post. Does that make you feel like a big man?
Im sure the owners of SWF love to see you urging people to go else where , especially somebody who has spent literally thousands of dollars at this site


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
Whatever Hot ..... if it is that important to you I can go else where , the world doesnt revolve around for me. I dont particulary like being called a liar... and that is what happened.
Just remember where most people would have skunked you I gave you $10 more than what you asked for when we made a trade. Keep shooing honest people away from the site and see where it gets you.
As for you Scuba continue to ignore the posted fact right off of Direct
465 some odd dollars for set up.
No one called you a liar. I simply stated it was a gross misrepresentation of fact and I have proved with info directly from directv that there is no $500 setup charge. yes, you can run up a hefty bill if you add a ton of bells and whistles.
Your statement that folks would be charged a $500 set-up fee is not correct as I have proven.
Again, no one called you a liar, as you obviously did not know a directv package can be had for little upfront cost and MANY packages far less than $500.
You have also seen other experiences posted here of setups well under the $500 you posted.
I beleive I have thoroughly covered your post and have not ignored it. You have much info here that I have brought .
Ignore it, state that it is incorrect or go off on another bashing. I really do not care. I have proven my point that there is no $500 fee for new subscribers....but if one wishes to add a ton of extra equipment, etc to get to that figure...go ahead and do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
No one called you a liar. I simply stated it was a gross misrepresentation of fact and I have proved with info directly from directv that there is no $500 setup charge. yes, you can run up a hefty bill if you add a ton of bells and whistles.
Your statement that folks would be charged a $500 set-up fee is not correct as I have proven.
Again, no one called you a liar, as you obviously did not know a directv package can be had for little upfront cost and MANY packages far less than $500.
You have also seen other experiences posted here of setups well under the $500 you posted.
I beleive I have thoroughly covered your post and have not ignored it. You have much info here that I have brought .
Ignore it, state that it is incorrect or go off on another bashing. I really do not care. I have proven my point that there is no $500 fee for new subscribers....but if one wishes to add a ton of extra equipment, etc to get to that figure...go ahead and do it.

The Package I ordered was the basic cheapest package with HD Rec. and programming wasnt tunes up with bells and whistles ..... but once again that ios not what this thread was intended for.
that is the entire point , not how much Direct TV , cable , dishnetwork , or if you launch your own freaking satelite into outer space and create your own satelite company would cost.
It really has NOTHING to do with Direct TV as a company either. It is more about the idiots that run Major League Baseball and how they are shunning the fans , I dont care if it is exclusive through your private household CBAN system or internet broadcast , that is the MLB's fault.
This wasnt meant to be a bashing ground for DTV. And that is what it has become because everybody ignores the fact that the fans will be missing out.
Mods please put this freaking thread out of its misery. it has become pointless