MO Sources of Live Rock


Within the next week I plan to populate a new 50G tank with live rock. I've been to a number of online sources for LR (Marine Deport, FFE etc.) and was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to share their experience with purchasing LR MO.
Where did you buy your LR?
How happy were you with the diversity (or lack there of) of the organisms still alive when you received your rock?
Were the pieces you received astetically pleasing?
What type of rock did you purchase (fiji, tonga etc.)?
How long ago did you make your pruchase?
I'm still new to the marine environment (having keep Discus for a number years on the FW side) and would REALLY appreicate your feedback since I will obviously be living with my LR for quiet a while :p


Staff member
Hello Ahoo! Welcome to!
You may have noticed that is actually a store. We offer this BB to members free, however, discussions of other stores and where to make purchases is not allowed--as this site is a store too, not a forum to let everyone know about its competitors. LOL
But, I just purchased Fiji LR from, 80lbs, and it is excellent quality. The price included shipping and I received my rock within 24hrs of shipment. I am in the process of setting up a reef system, deep sand bed. Its been a few days and still not even the slightest bid of ammonia. I do also have LS, from here also, which I am sure is helping with the cycle. I have priced many places on the web for live rock over the past few mos, and I feel that Saltwaterfish is very competitive with its prices and quality is excellent.
We are glad to see you here at, and hope that you stay to share your hobby experiences with us.
[ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]
I bought my LR from my LFS. I like the rock that I got. I was able to hand pick every piece. There is alot of coral line algee on it as well as little critters. There is even a peice with sponge growing on it. If you have a good LFS this could be a good way to go. The uncured rock is also a great way to cycle your tank.


Oops! LOL I should have used some common sense about posting to a board provided by a vendor of the product I was looking for. Sorry about that, I totally understand what you are saying Beth.
If someone would like to shoot me off a quick email ( ) about your experiences I'd appreciate it-and, we can keep it off this board.