Being that it is magnetic armature, perhaps, but I still do not see how. Look at any reversible rotation motor, it matters not what its on, and it consists of a heap more innards to reverse rotations than merely turning the plug around in a recepticle......DC is the only motors that will reverse rotation due to polarity. If yu know about electronics, then you understand that AC is alternaitng, so it matters not what line is hooked up per se for hot, and neutal. The plugs are polarized to keep nutrals with nutrals and hot with hot, through out the grid system, so hots are switched off and not neutrals or grounds......If the rotation was indeed reversed, it wold be counter to the volute of the pump....and no matter what rotation pump was going, if it oculd have pushed water out the outlet, its still going in the same direction and that is how could you tell rotation is reversed.....It certainly is not going to pull in water through the outlet port and puish it out the inlet port now is it? NOw, electronics background or not, that theory does not hld water in any shape or fashion as it just is not gonna happen or at least not enough to make it a reliable way of reverseing directions. It natters not if the pump is a magnetic armature, magnets are fixed with a given pole being N and the other S and when current flows though the field those magnets are going to go a given direction, and cause armature to rotate.......Simply not doable..........Care to explain how windings need to be different to apply to a 3 phase motor..3 phase motors are perhaps simplier and have more in common with these simple pumps. It takes reversing switches, centrifugal switches, a drum or rotary multiple position switch and a totally different set of windings to reverse rotation ona single phase motor. A three phase motor has three sets of windings each offset a bit off phase to start it rotating. The armature is not constructed of magnetic material so it can have its rotation change by reversing flow through the field coils, unlike a magnet with a "fixed" north and south pole on the armature......Have you ever heard of EMF, well think about it and see how it applied to the pump and other motors........