

I dont have any problems when i'm on my computer at work but i cant seem to log on at home without requesting a new password...i know what my password is but i t wont let me sign on ....any ideas??

nm reef

Active Member
The only thing I could suggest would be a email to the owners requesting assistance. They provide the forums and have control over probably it would be best to contact them with your problem.
Moderators have no input to how the site runs and we don't have any means to address problems such as the one you are experiencing.:thinking:


Staff member
Try cleaning out all your internet cookies and see if that helps. If not, then go ahead and email the owners.


I think Beth is on track, it sounds like within your security settings on your home machine you have cookies disabled.


Its def not my computer because I can still log on if i reset my password...its just a pain every time that's all....
I've tried that caps thing...doesn't work
tried the cookie thing....didn't help....
any other ideas guys??


Staff member
What is the message that you get when you try to sign on but can't?
Have you set your setting to just get on the site automatically without having to sign on all the time? If you have cookies enabled on your pc, then you can set your options for the forum to just remain "logged in"; as long as you don't log out, you are always able to get on without ever signing on. Bookmark the site at the BB page [], not the store []. Then, you should be able to just click on the bookmarked link and enter right into the site.