Moderators Look Here!


Active Member
I've heard it has something to do with tatoos and strange rituals and walking through rings of fire. And especially vows of silence.
Not sure though, just what I've heard. :notsure:


I think that they are self- appointed. (with great computer skills, to delete and modify)

cptn howdy

they all come ask me to vouch for em. i tell the admin to feel sorry for em and start a club of elitist goofballs. badda-bing!



Originally posted by Tizzo
:nope: Man, and you just got an avatar:nope:

He-he, hehehee.....that's funny Tizzo....

The real answer would be......"they are wise and experienced aquarist here to help us less knowledgeable enthusiasts".
Quick Cptn...agree with me!:nervous: :hilarious


Active Member
We all met in Denver at a star trek convention, and quickly discovered that we ironically all liked making ourselves feel powerful by editing the words of others on fish pages. After the convention, we all went our seperate ways, but decided to form an elite online club that would annoy people by removing their well thought out posts, and at the same time, give purpose to our meaningless lives.



Originally posted by sammystingray
We all met in Denver at a star trek convention, and quickly discovered that we ironically all liked making ourselves feel powerful by editing the words of others on fish pages. After the convention, we all went our seperate ways, but decided to form an elite online club that would annoy people by removing their well thought out posts, and at the same time, give purpose to our meaningless lives. I detect a hint of sarcasm in that response Sammy????.... :thinking:

nm reef

Active Member
...all along I thought we were spawned of the devil and sent here to inflict damage upon the fortunate few?!!?
...but I do remember a Star Trek convention...and a wildly wanton female from the keys...and several long nights of passion....

bang guy

We were all infected by a mutant giant red tree sponge and have been forced to read the same exact dozen question over and over and over and over again as the only known cure for this infliction. Question #1 is "How do I raise my PH"? ... Question #12 is "How do you become a Moderator"?


Nooo......I know you too well, BangGuy. I've read all about your "lagoon". Humor and sarcasm is not your strong suit.....Go on Girl....(since we are on capital G's)........


Personally I think there was somthing in the milk I drank. Then there were the black helicopters, strange people dressed in black with white aprons and white gloves. I was dunked into a 900 gallon pond and told if I ever revieled the secrets of a mod that I would become part of its DSB forever.


Sorry Thomas, are you a mod? I always considered you a guy that always knew what you were talking about, and occasionally liked to make me look like an .......course, I've never argued with you, you always know what you are talking about. But you never told me about the black helicopters........maybe...we should....."talk"?



Originally posted by belothsurf
Sorry Thomas, are you a mod?

So they tell me, it just means that I have to clean up as well as post.


Active Member
One day I was a member - the next I was a member and moderator.
That's how it happened ViPeR_930 :notsure:

bang guy

Once in a while Admin will throw someone into the Shark Tank. If you survive, you become a Mod, if you don't... well... just look at Purity.

cptn howdy

oddly enough, the theme song from The Empire Strikes back just got stuck in my head.
now i heard that the mods have to take an exam first and the approval given based on how many times you answer "yes" to questions like: "if you were a cop & pulled somone over, would you let them go just because they address you as 'sir'?