Moderators Show & Tell

kicked off

Moderators as mentors and teachers to the less experienced show us detailed shots of your tank, years experience and what expertise you bring to the message boards.
Tell us every detail of your system (pic’s included please)
Water volume
Skimmer (tank size rated for)
Calcium reactor/kalk reactor
Sump size
Lights- type and on off period
Live rock per gallon
Sand bed (how deep?)
How many fish?
Clean up crew
Worst problem faced - how did you overcome?
Dumbest mistake made
Detailed maintenance
Favorite coral
Any other question you may think of


Active Member
Originally Posted by kicked off
Moderators as mentors and teachers
That's way too much pressure. Just because they moderate a Reef forum doesn't mean they know anything about reef tanks. Its kind of like asking the the home plate ump to hit a homerun. I'm not suggesting there's lack of knowledge, its just two different things.


Active Member
I'll play... keep in mind being a mod doesn't make us better reef keepers than anyone else. There are a few members on this board that could teach me a LOT...
110g Tank 60" x 18" x 24"
Experience- 5 years +-
Water volume- 110g+30g+40g-rock-sand-equipment-empty space
Flow- In Display... Mag9.5 return from sump 1" tubing, 4-Maxi Jet 900 on Wavemaker, 1- Maxi Jet 1200
Skimmer- Nautilus TE Skimmer w/ Mag 7
Calcium reactor- GEO Calcium Reactor w/ Milwaukee PH Controller
Sump size- 30g
Refugium - 40g
Water Purification- Typhoon III RO/DI
Topoff System- 20g kalk topoff
Lights- 2- 400w 20k XM MH 8hrs day with 2- 110w actinic URI VHO's 2hrs day
Live rock per gallon- ??
Sand bed- 2"-3"
How many fish- Purple Tang, Fox Face, Sixline, Lawnmower Blenny, Yellow Tail Damsel, Tomato Clown
Clean up crew- 1 Fighting Conch, Blue and Red Leg Hermits, Snails, Cleaner Shrim, Worms, Pods, etc
Worst problem faced- how did you overcome- Waiting so long to add sps corals... setting up new 55g tank to play with.
Dumbest mistake made- Buying a Damsel
Parameters- Salinity 35 ppt, Calcium 420 ppm, Alkalinity 9.2 dKH, Magnesium 1350 ppm, Nitrates undetectable, Phosphate undetectable, silicates undetectable
Additional Additives- None
Water Change Schedule- 5g a week
Temperature- 80-82
PH- 8.0-8.1
Detailed maintenance- Clean glass twice a week or so, clean pumps monthly
Favorite coral- Green Slimmer
First pic is very old... I'll only going to post a few tank shots but if there is anything particular you're interested in let me know.



Staff member
Originally Posted by golfish
Just because they moderate a Reef forum doesn't mean they know anything
Dang, couldn't you wait til we all posted up our info before bursting our collective bubbles!

kicked off

Originally Posted by golfish
That's way too much pressure. Just because they moderate a Reef forum doesn't mean they know anything about reef tanks. Its kind of like asking the the home plate ump to hit a homerun. I'm not suggesting there's lack of knowledge, its just two different things.
golfish i disagree. a moderator was put into this position becuase of there knowlege, frequency on the board, there willingness to share correct knowlege and point others in the right direction. if a moderator states a false fact people will listen. there views are valued becuase of there position. a moderator with no intrest in swf would not visit the site often. moderators are fellow hobbiests with a desire to help others and increase there own knowlege.


Active Member
Well, I have to add several disclaimers:
1) This is a small picture of the tank a couple of months ago, but has been "reorganized" (meaning took all rock out) twice since then. And of course I never figured out how I had the rocks to recreate it again. And now I am overgrown with Anthelia, it is part of my tank background now (growing up the glass).
2) I would say I've only been able to put any money into the tank for the last 7 months or so, so it is no where near where I want it. Still lots of frags. I'm a low budget reefer.
And I certainly agree with others...being a mod does not make me any better than most other reefers out there. Certainly there are lots nicer tanks to start. :yes: But I'm pleased considering where the tank was a year ago (a beautiful algae display).
Years in hobby: 10
Tank size: 45g
Flow: around 600gph
Skimmer: Red Sea Berlin Classic Hang on (modified back to sump model) with Mag 7 and Kent venturi modification
Sump/filter: tidepool filter (kind like a wet/dry)
Lights- 2 96w PC (actinic and 10K), on approx 9 hours.
Live rock per gallon - eh, I've added it bit by bit, probably in the 60lb range
Sand bed (how deep?) - under 2"
How many fish? 2 (sixline wrasse, Kole tang)
Clean up crew - scarlet hermits, astrea snails, couple nassarius, sand sifter cuke, 9 brittlestars
Worst problem faced - lack of motivation to do anything at all with tank. Overcome by addition of some money to spend

Dumbest mistake made - first day of new 10g tank with white gravel, undergravel filter, HOB filter --> 2 damsels, 1 bar goby, 1 condylactus anemone, 1 arrow crab, 1 brittlestar (no acclimation). Tough lessons. Invaluable lessons. Not an uncommon story :(
Parameters- Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 15, pH - 8.3, alk/calcium (best check tonight
) but in balance, specific gravity - 1.026, temperature - 80 to 81
not too detailed maintenance: about 15% every two weeks though commonly a small change weekly, little in the way of additives other than alk/calcium
Favorite coral - currently my bubble coral


Staff member
Thanks for your observation, kicked off, you are pretty correct about that. Are you a previous member here? I mean, "kicked off" kinda suggests that you are.....

kicked off

beth looked at your web site sorry to see your tank is no longer. tank looked great.
ReefNut your top off is on a float valve correct. have you had any problems with 20g top off design. could be a disaster waiting to happen. valve sticks keeping pump on to flood system. worse than that flood system with kalk water buffed at ph of 12 also lowering salinity.


Beth! You gave up your tank!!!!!? No wonder I haven't seen you in the threads for a you travel a lot for your new job?


Active Member
ReefNut your top off is on a float valve correct. have you had any problems with 20g top off design. could be a disaster waiting to happen. valve sticks keeping pump on to flood system. worse than that flood system with kalk water buffed at ph of 12 also lowering salinity.
Yep, it's happened too. I use a float switch which can be worse. I do have a needle valve on the end of a 1/4" hose to limit the output in a failure. One of these days I'll add a dosing pump which will make it much safer.

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by kicked off
Moderators as mentors and teachers to the less experienced show us detailed shots of your tank, years experience and what expertise you bring to the message boards.
Tell us every detail of your system (pic’s included please)
Water volume
Skimmer (tank size rated for)
Calcium reactor/kalk reactor
Sump size
Lights- type and on off period
Live rock per gallon
Sand bed (how deep?)
How many fish?
Clean up crew
Worst problem faced - how did you overcome?
Dumbest mistake made
Detailed maintenance
Favorite coral
Any other question you may think of

A search for my user name will provide info on all the above....take under consideration I consider myself to be a rookie.....
and since I answered your questions....answer mine.....I sense that kicked off is a former member...I'm curious who? :thinking:
nmreef at


Beth, that must be a great job to give up a beautiful tank like that. At least you still have some great pictures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
and since I answered your questions....answer mine.....I sense that kicked off is a former member...I'm curious who? :thinking:
Is it B...B...Bob....?? :scared: