
nm reef

Active Member
I'm still recovering from the cuts and bruises from my first few months...dang near died just being accepted into the shark tank!!!
Truthfully moderators are assigned by the powers that particular reason other than they appoint you. Now it does help if you offer a substantial cash incentative to consider you as a future selection...if you offer me enough money I'd toss your name into the next selection process!!!
Not really...please do not attempt to bribe any current moderator :rolleyes:


Active Member
HEHEHE Well SID. I think first you need a couple thousand posts. Most of the moderators have 5+ thousand..... Its taken me a year to reach 1000 and i've posted quite a few long ones and was pretty inactive for a couple months.... Most of the moderators seem to have years and years of experience in reef keeping. There is so much to know and understand that it can make your head spin. The best way to learn everything you could possibly ever need to know is to keep a reef tank successfully for several years.... Even then you need three or four different types of reefs to learn them all.....
Kip be careful youre not even a mod and you are doing their chores :) COTW, FOTW, etc, etc......


Active Member
Kip be careful youre not even a mod and you are doing their chores COTW, FOTW, etc, etc......
LOL i was wondering why kip wasnt a mod.:p


Active Member
I though Kip was, I guess I just never paid attention. I always read and re-read what he has to say! I like the way he tries to keep it simple for us youngins' ;)


Kip is still intact, leave him alone he is doing fine. My brain went to mush when they made me a mod, like NM said the scars are still healing but the mental ones will never go away. I don't want to see Kip become a zombie like me. (not that he would). As the youngest mod I still get picked on the worst, I remember Ryan's absolutly crying with relief when a new mod was picked, they scratched his name off the mop and bucket and put mine down threw wild parties and made me clean up. There are other stories but they are too horrible to realate.
They also paired me up with Quasi-Mod-Tro, I will never be the same person.


Active Member
Sounds like its called "shark" for a you at least get good health benefits?? :D j/k I know you guys do this out of the goodness of your hearts. For the good of the hobby.:)
And its greatly appreciated!


Active Member

Originally posted by Sid2003
I'd like to ba a moderator! What tests do you have to take?

a probe(an*l), a very very LRGE probe
dont listen to NM, cash is just fine and if you like I would see that it goes to the proper *ahem* charity
ReefNut: cash???? how about a frag bribe
beer is more effective, with tro, cheap stuff works, but with thomas and myself, gotta go with better stuff(i like imports)
lovethesea: Sounds like its called "shark" for a you at least get good health benefits?? j/k I know you guys do this out of the goodness of your hearts. For the good of the hobby.
YEAH RIGHT!! goodness out of our hearts, who you kidding?
excellent feeding benefits, the food is mediocre, but plenty of lil fish to eat, speaking of which,
Which one of you was bold enough to try and ingest JIMMY? I know i wasn't, but havent seen him in the water lately
other than that, kip is looking mightly tastey lately, esp that new ORCA look, yummy(orca= main staple) :D Anyone of you guys wann meet me at kips place for dinner? I hear his wife pours amean beer to wash it all down with.;)
seriously, feeling a little goofy this morn and had to mess woth ya'all


Active Member
To become a moderator you must answer me these questions three:
1. What is your name??
2. What is your Quest?
3. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Then you must bring them a shubbery .... err frag ....


Answer 1. Thomas712
Answer 2. To find the MH lighting correct for my reef
Answer 3. Depends, do you mean an African or European swallow?

nm reef

Active Member
LMAO...nice to see a little humor now and then.:cool:
I can't speak for the other mods...but personally I can state that being a moderator simply means I can try to keep things sane and peaceful. Lots of members here have more knowledge and experience than I do...the position means nothing other than I've been picked to keep an eye on things in certain forums. I still learn from the general membership and I hope to never think that due to my position I know more than the members here. This place...the active members...and the wealth of information/experience available is what makes this site a good place to share our hobby. Us moderators just cruise the forums and try to avert problems.:cool:


I'd just like to say the membership count and activity volume on this site are great, its the feedback provided by the mods is what truly makes this forum the best around - of any type.
My acutal # of posts don't reflect the amount of time I've spent "listening in" to everything.
This site has not only kept me hooked to this hobby when I probably would've given up months ago, but it's made it so much more enjoyable and challenging!
Thank you!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
cant orcas and carcharodons just get along ! :)

sure, what you doing for lunch, say next Thursday. I should be able to cruise on over for then:D :D
1. i could tell you but i would have to kill ya
2. eat orcas :D :D
not fast enough