mogul VS DE


Active Member
Ok I have to ask this question cause I really have no clue as to what is better, DE or mogul (

in type bulb)
I stopped into a LFS by me in ocean twp NJ and heard one of the workers and a customer stalking about his light set up.
The customer was saying how he has a 125 gallon RR with only two section and each section was 36 in long by 18 inch wide. He wanted to get a MH fixtures to go over each opening.
According to the customer, he was told the best light set up would be DE style and to stay away from moguls. The employee stated that DE bulbs do not have a wide cover of light and do not burn as bright. Where as the mogul have a much wider light dispersion and burn brighter and last longer.
Now I run DE fixtures on my tanks and have not had a problem with shadowing or light lose. Does anyone have an idea about this, what are your takes on this. I would like to see and hear what other keepers are using. Maybe I’m off with my idea and logic. I did not think it made a difference, just bulb style the big difference I can see is the reflector itself, W X L will be the deciding factor as to how light is dispersed.


Active Member
The difference is marginal at best. DE lamps supposedly have a slightly higher PAR, but I doubt it's enough to be noticable or demonstrable.
Generally, SE lamps are found in the pendant, DIY and Retro markets, while Double Ended is in commerically made lamps.
I never listen to anything I hear at an LFS. In a perfect world, the LFS would stock what they believe to be the best stuff for people (if they believed DE was better, that's what they'd stock, etc), but instead, they usually just preach a biased argument according to what they sell, so you can never trust the direction to go in.


I might be wrong, but I believe DE bulbs do not have UV shields on them and you need to put uv shielded glass under them. SE (mogul) bulbs are shielded.


New Member
Originally Posted by walkerbrody
I might be wrong, but I believe DE bulbs do not have UV shields on them and you need to put uv shielded glass under them. SE (mogul) bulbs are shielded.
You werent completely wrong but Double ended bulbs are the ones that need a UV Shield and Single Ended Bulbs do not need a UV shield.