Mollies had babies NOW WHAT?


What do I do I have a 125 gallon tank. about 15 mollies 4 different kinds don't know which one had babies but put them In my saltwater tank and one had babies last night. Should I seperate the fish at all. Do all fryes start out black or is that the mother I have 5 black mollies, 3 white nollies and 3 black and white spots mollies, And 1 dominoe damsel in my saltwater tank. I woke up this morning and I noticed 2 fryes in the tank 1 swimming around and one in my overflow tank. Got home after work and the one that was swimming around didn't make it but the one in the overflow is still their. Should I try and get the one out of the overflow tank or not? Will they still have more babies? What should I do?
Did you use the molles to cycle your tank or for pets??? Well, frankly if you aent gonna put them in a nursery tank and raise them, just leave them in the tank and the rest of the fish, dominoes and mom and dad will eat them.
I actually used my mollies to cycle my fry tank and then left them in the seahorse tank and the seahorses eat them as treats. I guess the food chain, if you will.......~~~~
Thanking you kindly, Kim


My GF said she wants to keep the fry So Should I take it out or not?
Besides that I think we are going to keep the Mollies in the salt tank with whatever I can put in their with them?


if there are any fish in the SW tank with the baby mollies they will become dinner for the larger fish the larger ones should be alright unless you get a aggressive fish for the tank.
as far as the babies if they are in the overflow they will be alright and will grow in there so if you want to keep some of them leave them for a little while. they might stay there or get washed down to the sumop or refuge whichever you have.
how big are the fry because if you can see them very clearly and difined body structure then they arent newly born. maybe a few days old or so. and if you have LR in the tank or any hiding spots the will find them and not come out till they fell safe.
my FW tank I have them and they hide between the FW gravel on the bottom of the tank.


Your gonna want to seperate the fry. Maybe put them in a fuge or a seperation unit. They sell those I think.,


Active Member
those crates that carry eggs, well .... now that i think of it, i worked at safeway and the eggcrates were metal, more like the milkcrate type of pattern. XXXXXX <-- like that


I also have a 29 gallon fresh water inwhich I have now 11 mollies, I started off with 2. One black male and one orange female, I leave my fry in the tank and no one seems to bother them, but if you have them with other fish I would seperate them because they will get eaten. When I had my Angel I seperated the fry for about 3 months untill they got to a decent size. I have had them for about 2 years and I love them. Any more questions please ask..... Good Luck, I also been thinking about adding 1 or 2 into my 180 Reef tank but just been kinda scared too, do you think it would be safe????

bang guy


Originally posted by entice59
those crates that carry eggs, well .... now that i think of it, i worked at safeway and the eggcrates were metal, more like the milkcrate type of pattern. XXXXXX <-- like that

Do you have any idea what you're talking about? ;)