molting crab!


New Member
My dwarf red legged hermit crab molted last night! I looked in the tank just before turning the lights off to go to bed when I noticed. It looked like my crab had crawled out of his shell and just died. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> But when I tried to scoop him out I realized it was just his legs and it looked hollow. The legs sank into the live rock, so I couldn't get it out. I went to bed quite concerned because I didn't know if they molted. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> But this morning his shell that I turned over was flipped back! So I checked it out and sure enough he's still alive, although quite a bit smaller . . . <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" /> Has anyone heard of this species doing this? And do does anyone know how often he will? Thanks! :p
is it normal for a cleaner shrimp to shed as much as 4 times in a 3 month period .. i have one that has done that very thing and he seems healthy to me but i was wondering if it were normal .. thanks all


Active Member
That seems like a lot. But the faster they grow the more they must molt. I don't think there is anything to worry about. He's probably just well feed.