molting shrimp


My coral banded shrimp (Jaques) recently molted. Does this happen often or is it uncommon????:notsure:


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by O.nerka
My coral banded shrimp (Jaques) recently molted. Does this happen often or is it uncommon????:notsure:

have had mine for bout a year now. Seems to molt about every 4 weeks or so. Really scared me the first time.


i have coral banded and 6 peppermints they all seem to molt every4-5 weeks..Does anyone know if u should take the molted shell out of tank or is it ok to stay?


wow. i've had my coral banded for about a month now. what does it look like? how will I know since he sleeps and hides all day under the rock?


New Member
I have 2 skunk cleaners that having been molting about every other week, and a peppermint shrimp that molts once a month. I was told to leave the shells in the calcium for the fish:D


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by bheron
wow. i've had my coral banded for about a month now. what does it look like? how will I know since he sleeps and hides all day under the rock?

You will find out in the next 2 weeks. :eek:


You will find out in the next 2 weeks
come on, it that all there is to say then. :rolleyes:
thanks for the excitement


Well if you want my opinion - when my cbs molted we thought it was dead!! It looked like it was laying upside down on his rock, tentacles and all. Just look around before you freak out like we did. :eek:


Active Member
Yup, I leave the molt in the tank and it's gone within a couple of days. Your shrimp will hide out for a couple days also until it's new exoskeleton gets hard. Keep good calc and iodine levels to make the transition easier on it.
BTW, wasn't Jaques (Finding Nemo) a cleaner shrimp? Hmmm...


Active Member

Originally posted by FlyDan
BTW, wasn't Jaques (Finding Nemo) a cleaner shrimp? Hmmm...

:yes: Jacques was a cleaner shrimp.
I usually just leave my molts in the tank. They get eaten quickly.
However, some people feel that molts are used to remove toxins from the shrimp. Iodine is one such possible toxin. Some websites suggest adding iodine to help with molting. Most people do not suggest this anymore. I think that water changes will do a better job of removing unwanted toxins from the tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by goinballde
Does anyone know if u should take the molted shell out of tank or is it ok to stay?

I've never worried about pulling the shell out...