

Does this look like my shrimp is molting???? It's not a great picture but the best I could get

and then... does anyone have a recommendation on something I could hand feed this clown fish.. he's so friendly..always coming to the top to swim around my finger... I feed him cyclopeeze (i think thats what its called) and formula two... but wanted something he'd take out of my fingers...


Active Member
i think they should like flakes if you wanna hand feed them take flakes hold them with two fingers and the clownfish would come up and eat the FLAKES


thanks, i guess i'll get some and try it.
does anyone else know if that shrimp looks like its molting? or is he getting sick or something? he doesnt normally look like that, all bloated.


lol, you are all slackers tonight, hardly anyone is answering??? does anyone know if that shrimp is molting, or do I have anything to be worried about?? or do you just not see what i'm talking about? i know the pic isnt that clear.


Active Member
cant exactly tell, not a pro either...but youll find out in a while when you see a little clone of him floating around,lol


thanks lol
if i do see that, do you think i should take it out.. or leave it there? i know that i read that they leave it where other fish can see it for distraction while they recover from it?
but i dont want anyone eating it and choking on it either. i left a claw in there from a hermit crab, but now its disappeared, so i'm assuming someone ate it.


Active Member
well i know others leave theie molts in, i leave any molts of my peppermint shrimp in....never has caused any problems yet...i dont know if itd be different with your shrimp...but i wouldnt think so.


That is exactly what happed to my CBShrimmp. Umm .. well mine died after that (that fuzz i think means hes rotting) try moving or poking him to be sure if he is dead. once mine did that.. he died :( and then my snails ate him.. along wiwth my clown, and my cleaner shrimp :(


My tomato clown eats flake out of my hand and he eats the seaweed I feed my tang when I am trying to put it on the clip. When I come home from work both my dog and my clown fish freak out. He knows what the flake bucket looks like he goes completly nuts when he sees me thawing brine. I haveto say he is my favorite fish for sure.


Your Cb is proably molting mine does it about once a month. I beleive it is a good thing that means he is growing and healthy. I could be wrong.
My tomato clown eats flake out of my hand and he eats the seaweed I feed my tang when I am trying to put it on the clip. When I come home from work both my dog and my clown fish freak out. He knows what the flake bucket looks like he goes completly nuts when he sees me thawing brine. I haveto say he is my favorite fish for sure.


If it is molting, I would only leave it in if you have a good clean up crew. My cleaner shrimp molted last night and the hermits took care of the mess already. If you dont have a clean up crew, its just going to sit there and look nasty. Try to ask Ophiura about the CBS, thats probably your best bet.


Active Member
It almost looks to me like your CB shrimp has already molted (looking transparent as he is).
As far as what to feed your clown from your hand. I have 2 percs and a coral beauty angel and once/twice a week, I give them, and the CB shrimp some Prime Reef as a treat. I hold the treat in the water for the fish, and all three go crazy for it right out my fingers. My female clown even nuzzles my fingers...she's so cute!!
After they've had their fill, I put a wad of it on a stick and give some to my brittle stars and them some to my CB shrimp...they all LOVE it!! The Prime Reef is a frozen food for fish, you'll probably need to ask for at the LFS. Oh, and emerald crabs love it as well!!
Lisa :happyfish


MonaLisa: he molted today... I woke up this morning and it looked as though I had two shrimps in there,

I didn't realize that they molt their entire bodies... my hermits just do a claw at a time... it was neat to see for the first time... I think he's more of a nocturnal shrimp though, he likes to come out and move around the tank at night when the lights are turned off, same as my emerald crab. But when the lights come on, he goes back to his "home" he has this one piece of live rock that he lives on, and doesnt really move about alot unless its feeding time during the day, sound normal?
To whoever said that they think it means he's dieing, you said the fuzz? He doesnt have fuzz on him... just looked transparent to me, more so then he normally does... and he hasn't died yet, thank god... :)
Right now, the carcass is in there, and my starfish has been laying on it, I dont know if she's eating it or not... I'll probably take it out tonight before bed, I just wanted to give him a chance to harden up .. :)