Mom wants me to get rid of tank b.c she thinks its causing mold

jimmy g

I would be pretty disopointed about it also, You have to take into consideration that yes, you are taking down your tank and that your mom is the one thats forcing you to do so. Dont hold it against her because you said it yourslef, your going to be getting out of your own and then you can get as big of tank you want and then send pics to her to make her jelious! :D lol


Time to grow up... Life is not all about you! Sure you may be mad, angry, but not rightly so. Life is tough on all of us, and in her hour of need, it comes done to you and only you. You should be ashamed. You have your whole life ahead of you, and she feels like hers has just ended. She feels like everything is against her, and you too?
Hopefully time will work things out, be there to support your mother now. Yes, taking the tank down can be a hard to do, but do you truely love you mother, and appreciate what she has sacraficed for you? She is trying hard to feel secure again, and she will do many strange things to try get control of her life. It may not be easy for either of you two for a while, but be there to support each other. There will come a day when you will say "I would give anything to have mom back again." Use this time to show mom how much you love her.
Are material things really that important to you? I guess you could say yes untill you have lost it all, then you would realize what really matters is family and friends. I am sure that many of the adults on this forum would have to agree.
Calling your mother names is childish and disrespectful. Personally you sound like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. At 21 you should not be acting a little child!!! If you tank is more important that your mother, quit school get a job, a place of your own, then your tank.
she repays me like this.....
what does she owe you? You live in here house, she raised you, she sacraficed for you. She loved and still loves you. I do not understand this comment. Only some that is self centered would make this comment about their mother!
Yes you may find this hard to read, and say it is not me, but from what you have posted previously IT IS! She for once in her life needs you and your support, and you "Repay her like this"? Your father would be so disappointed, help take care of you mother, put someone else first in your life. If you are lucky someday you will have a wife and children, and hopefully you will learn to put them first. I sure would hate to see your selfishness put your tank before their needs!
My wife and I have raised seven children, they still come first, even the ones that do not live at home. If I did not help them when the need was there, I could have the tank that I want. Because of our love for them and our nine grandchildren, we will always sacrafice for them and love them. Some day if you are smart, you will realize that this is not a sacrafice at all, but a small token of your love for you mother.
Take the tank down and help take care of your mother, both of you will be glad you did. Complain no more and show no more dis-respect for her! Become a man if you can.


Staff member
Mold happens, every single house has it whether there is a tank in the house or not. Mold is not going to causes emphysema unless its dripping from the walls of your house.
Perhaps it is time to have a heart to heart with mom and help her deal with her problems, possibly resulting from her own loss and grief, rather than just enabling her overanxious impulses by taking down your tank to cater to her fears or whims.
Is she forcing you to take it down?
I would suggest to her that you lost your father, just as she lost her husband and that right now aquaria is the most important thing in your life. Would she prefer that you take up other habits that are not quit so benign? Suggest that you both need to deal with your losses up front rather than hiding behind power trips and manipulation.
You're 21, what is she going to do? Throw you out? Tell her ok, you'll leave. Then start looking for a student loan and a dorm room.
I had mold in my house before my fish tank. i think it is just because our house is on a concrete slab so the moisture is coming from the ground up through the floor. so i relly don't think the fish tank is causing it


Staff member

Originally posted by Kelly
My wife and I have raised seven children, they still come first, even the ones that do not live at home. If I did not help them when the need was there, I could have the tank that I want. Because of our love for them and our nine grandchildren, we will always sacrifice for them and love them.

Kelly, this is pretty much how I feel as well. I have my 23 yr old son living with me. So, you have to wonder if parents feel the need to make sacrifices why this parent is going bonkers over evaporated water from a tank. The premise is not reasonable to begin with, and that is what I find troubling. There is an underling problem here that taking down the tank just isn't going to address. Its called manipulation.
Legend, tell mom that you will gladly and immediately take down the tank once you and she go to your family doctor and confirm that mom will be in peril if the tank remains. Tell her that you are concerned about her and want to address her concerns. If mold in the house is going to endanger her health, then you want to go to the doctor to get advise. Be serious and non-threatening. As I said, I think there is more here than meets the eye.
Also, it may really be time to look at student loans and dorm life. Something that you might want to suggest to mom.
But, bottom line advise over the internet probably isn't worth much.


Kelly you are completly right!.. After his last post.. nope... I dont have any respect for him! Kelly you tell him... your right!:hilarious


Kelly thanks for that post... you my friend are a

as well. You know nothing about me and how much that i do for my keep your comments in your mouth. Spoiled huh? Everything i have i got myself. The tank is already down....
I didnt even bother reading all of your post because i could careless what you have to say.
For you shawnts106 i dont need your respect mean nothing to me as well.
Im a one man team..i have been my entire life.
Kelly dont give advice when you dont know anything about me and what a good person i have been the 21 years on this earth.
Material things me sh&t to me...the only thing material that i had worth anything is my car and this tank. The car i bought i really am so spoiled kelly. How can i be such a selfish person?
No need to reply Kelly''re words sicken me.
And Beth thanks for the kept things nice unlike Kelly. I appreciate your advice but i just broke down the tank because its not worth upsetting her anymore. What is done is done. Also i cant live at school again...she needs me more then ever now. I can't bounce out on her.
One last thing kelly....dont ever tell me my dad would be disappointed in me. I was the most important human being on this earth to my dad. We did everything together. I spent every f**cking minute caring to him while i was doing school. I started commuting to help around the house. Man i wish i could just knock you out. Spitting words at me like you did. How dare you...You know sh%t and sh^t.....
Put your family first buddy.....As in family you mean ur wife. Well 54% of marriages end up in divorce. Chew on that you idiot.
And say i will say it again. My mom is a bytch and she knows it.
Keep cool kelly....happy family life. When life finally hits you, let me know how things turn out.
Peace clown