Time to grow up... Life is not all about you! Sure you may be mad, angry, but not rightly so. Life is tough on all of us, and in her hour of need, it comes done to you and only you. You should be ashamed. You have your whole life ahead of you, and she feels like hers has just ended. She feels like everything is against her, and you too?
Hopefully time will work things out, be there to support your mother now. Yes, taking the tank down can be a hard to do, but do you truely love you mother, and appreciate what she has sacraficed for you? She is trying hard to feel secure again, and she will do many strange things to try get control of her life. It may not be easy for either of you two for a while, but be there to support each other. There will come a day when you will say "I would give anything to have mom back again." Use this time to show mom how much you love her.
Are material things really that important to you? I guess you could say yes untill you have lost it all, then you would realize what really matters is family and friends. I am sure that many of the adults on this forum would have to agree.
Calling your mother names is childish and disrespectful. Personally you sound like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. At 21 you should not be acting a little child!!! If you tank is more important that your mother, quit school get a job, a place of your own, then your tank.
she repays me like this.....
what does she owe you? You live in here house, she raised you, she sacraficed for you. She loved and still loves you. I do not understand this comment. Only some that is self centered would make this comment about their mother!
Yes you may find this hard to read, and say it is not me, but from what you have posted previously IT IS! She for once in her life needs you and your support, and you "Repay her like this"? Your father would be so disappointed, help take care of you mother, put someone else first in your life. If you are lucky someday you will have a wife and children, and hopefully you will learn to put them first. I sure would hate to see your selfishness put your tank before their needs!
My wife and I have raised seven children, they still come first, even the ones that do not live at home. If I did not help them when the need was there, I could have the tank that I want. Because of our love for them and our nine grandchildren, we will always sacrafice for them and love them. Some day if you are smart, you will realize that this is not a sacrafice at all, but a small token of your love for you mother.
Take the tank down and help take care of your mother, both of you will be glad you did. Complain no more and show no more dis-respect for her! Become a man if you can.