Momma said


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
you call the cops and they will have a reason to arrest me by the time they get here...
lol yup i remember that one
My dad used to say why you crying????? You want something to cry about i'll give ya something to cry about.
Then as i got older and my grandmother passed gas and i was all like oh my god nasty
My grandmother said its better to grin and bare the pain then not to grin and bare the pain. words to live by

Or my mom (an Italian women too) you can run but my hair brush fly’s faster then you can run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by schnutzzy
Close your eyes and what do you see? That's what you get for free!!
is that like when i went to my parents and said i want "X"
and my parents would fight to say.... you can sh*t in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up faster. i still use that


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
dont eat yellow snow.
Cool. Your momma is Frank Zappa? I actually saw him in concert way back when doing Joe's Garage acts I and II. Course I was as high as he was and can't remember any of it. Had front row though.


Active Member
omg all the memorys.
My mom would ask when i got hurt.....
Mom) did that hurt?
Me) yes
mom)well i guess you won't do that again now will you?


Active Member
some day you'll have a house and understand chores.....
well at least she was half right. I have a house.
if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all.
went in one ear and out the other!
and dont make fun of people or your kids will turn out just like that!


Active Member
Don't play in the fire...or you'll wet your bed. Ha, what does she know...I didn't sleep in a bed I wet my sleeping bag.


Active Member
my grandmamma said:
"you can't fool and fooler" (so true!)
"nothin' good happens after midnight". (well, now it does seem like it)
And when did I turn into her?? I actually have to restrain myself from saying these things to my 15 year old


Active Member
my dad actually said "friends dont let friends drive fords"
its true. i wouldnt wish a ford upon my worst enemy, let alone a friend.


don't put all of your trust in one person, trust in yourself. you're best friend will stab you in the back if it will benefit them. *and i know we've all had this experience AT LEAST once in your life!*