Moms 125 Gallon


Active Member
125 Gallon
Koran Angelfish
Marine Betta
Clarki Clownfish
Blue Damsel
Sailfin Tang
Reagal Tang
Flame Angelfish

72" Orbit 6x96 watt Dual Actinic & 8 Lunar Lights
It's been up for about a year.
gone through many changes from a cc bed to a LS bed.
shes got about 100 pounds of LR.
My mom is looking for suggestions on what to add to her tank.
everything is appreciated THANKS!



Active Member
looks like a massive amount of air bubbles in that what it is or am I seeing things?
If it is bubbles, you might want to cut them back a little ...jmo


Active Member
Looks like a great start! Imo get some more rock. and add a background. jmo That'll be a sweet tank!


Active Member
im going to tell her to ease off the powerheads
and shes ordering another 90 pounds of LR.
what else. (fish wise). should see look for.


mystery wrasse.....six line wrasse.....sally lightfoot crab, couple emerald crabs, blood shrimp (bright red) hmmm what else is cool. hell lots of stuff....go thru the fish list on this site and pick out some cool stuff that is compatible with each other


Active Member
nice looking tank... im against backgrounds but its up to you... and you might want to read a little before adding 90lbs of lr... is it cured??? these guys can help you with that if you need it...


Originally Posted by JJJoey
im going to tell her to ease off the powerheads
as for the powerheads, more water movement is better. she should keep the powerheads going but unplug the airhose attachment, if that is what is giving the bubbles.
nice tank by the way.