Monday Night No Football Pics


Awesome looking tank. Is that your 55 gallon? If it is how many Lbs. of LR do you have in it? I need to set up my 55 but cash is really scarce now. Tempted to go light on the LR w/ mostly base rock & a DSB. Wishing I was fishing for smallies right now!!! I bet you would like to be doing the same! Just guessing by your name under the avatar. Waht are your inhabitants in there; fish, inverts, & corals?


Active Member
hey thanks much
LR - well I started with the 25 lbs from SWF for $110 - then added a piece or 2 when I could afford it - or not. I'd say about 75 lbs maybe. As far as inhabitants - Yellow Tang, Rainsford Goby, 6 Line Wrasse, Yellow Tail damsel, 3 stripe Damsel, 2 Firefish - red and purple. Bunch of hermits, zebra, blue legs, 2 shrimp - cleaner and peppermint, 2 emerald crabs, the florida condi anenome and a rock anenome. A few dusters. Corals - a red Lobophyllia, button polyps - yellow and brown, green stars and striped shrooms. I have 260 watts lighting - a coralife 130 actinic and 130 watts of 10K. A SeaClone skimmer and a hang on filter, 3 power heads. Sand is Home Depots Southdown sand.


I've already got the southdown & the PC's! I just need the LR. Did you start w/ dead sand & LR only or did you add some LS to seed your bed? How long has it been set up? How deep is the sand? Still wondering about those smallies!!!


Active Member
I started with 50 lbs of sand and added a few cups of LS from another tank to seed. - Been up for 7 months now.


Active Member
Sand is only a few inches deep - I'm not a real fan of DSB's. My other tank has barely a 1/2 inch of sand and it stays nice and clean with no problems..