Monday night shots!!!


no achilles tang..Sorry,that was the list of fish before I bought the tank.The previous owner sold it.I forgot to take him off the list.Here are some pics.I have the same protein skimmer as you.I must have around 300lbs of live rock.



Killer pics/video. I miss my lunar wrasse, and my niger. Had to pull them out they kept fighting. I need more rock like you, man your tank makes mine look bare. What is going to be crucial for me is to build a huge spot when my clown trigger gets bigger, so he's not so burned out all the time. He's cool for now nobody messes with him, in fact he hangs out with my gold stripe pair, after all he did steal their sleeping spot.
I did see the new life marine spectrum food under the tank, that is good stuff.


I have to post some updates pics and video.Maybe tonight.I also added to my542watt lighting a 130watt compact.I ordered2 bubs for it and both came broken,so I have to wait another week.For food,I over feed them because they always look hungry and I feel bad.
frozen=mysin,krill,squid,silversides,green squares[forgot the name]
pellets=thera A+
sea weed sheets by Julian Sprungs
I usually feed the frozen stuff in the morning and evening.pellets late afterrnoon.My nitrates are high so I will be adding a fuge soon.Everything else is perfect.I do around 25 gallon water change every week.


Originally Posted by AGRSIV210
BRUCE I'll trade you for your chrysurus angel

The guy I got it from told me it was an earcheek angel.I guess he meant ear spot angel.Thank you for telling me the right name.I had no clue.I caught a French Angel on Sunday while snorkling and so far they are getting along.Time will tell.



I hope the frenchie works out for you that fish is beautiful!!!! I can't believe you caught it. That's crazy, I guess your the man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brucewrs
say cheese....RIP Mr parrot...He is the only fish I lost..

i set this as my background...i love the puffer...


Brucewrs, How do you like the aga stand and canopy? i'm looking at the same setup. also how big is your sump setup? I have a 67g sump I'm looking to put in the cabinet and didn't know if it would support it.


that is a really awesome tank!!! wish i had the space to do a larger tank