Money making mushrooms


Active Member
Alright...I bought a mushroom rock 3 weeks had 3 green striped mushrooms on it. It now has 8 mushrooms on it. 5 new little sprouts which are already close to 1 centimeter each. ...the base of the mommy mushrooms expands really big over the rock in the day...and then when the lights go out and they close up, portions of their base/stalk from the day stays behind and forms a new mushroom...I see this every couple days......Currently I only have them under one 400 watt halide...they are 4 inches from the bottom of a 90 gallon tank which is 24 inches high. the lights are then 9 inches off the they are easily 29-30 inches from the light and I am getting tremendous growth on them.....Do you think once the second halide is added to the setup I will see more growth? Also do you think they would do better placed in the upper/middle of the tank between both lights? I want to get them to grow onto some other small rocks to sell/trade. I think at the rate they are growing now, that I could probably get several mushroom rocks a month to sell or trade in for credit..
Anyone have any opinions on this? Any way of helping them along more? They are naturally not fragging them at all which is great, IMO. A picture is can see a few of the small "babies" growing by the mommy mushroom in the left...the others are towards the back, and 2 or 3 are actually growing on the bottom and they stretch out under the rock in the day to get light.


adding the second halide may be a definate plus for the tank, but mushrooms can almost be "shocked" by severe light increases, so if you're main interest is growing these shrooms and they're already taking off like crazy, i say let things be, if they don't think they're getting enough light, they'll move to where they do IMO
but I would go with the second halide, (makes your tank even more atractive IMO)......


Active Member
Oh the second light is going on for's wired and ready to go, just waiting on my claim from UPS from when they broke one of the bulbs when it was shipped to me. :)


Active Member
From what i've heard shrooms do like shaddy places. BTW ill take your extras... I want some shrooms in my tank....
I agree that shrooms don't like real high light. They are fine where they are. When you do get the second halide I think it might be to much light where they are.
P.S. they look great and I wold love to have any extras also.