Monster House-UNDER THE SEA-Wednesday


If anyone who cares missed it back in November, the rerun of my Monster House episode where they build my 250 is going to be on Wednesday night, 8 PM in most time zones, on the Discovery Channel. You don't see much, since they mostly focus on other aspects of the build, but there are a few minutes of footage. :)


Active Member
How's your system going Pam? Haven't seen you in a while.
Did you ever get that scratch taken care of? How did it turn out?
Still got your panther grouper?


No progress on the scratches. So, anyone who watches it, picture some big doozies on the side.
My panther grouper, Pongo, is doing well. He seems to have gotten a little more reclusive lately, so I don't see much of him unless I'm feeding krill, and even then I need to coax him out of his cave. He's about 7 inches now.
Of the rest of the fish, Goober the clown trigger is the tank boss, but he provides an important service. Whatever food I drop in (squid, krill, nori, etc) his job is to chew it all up and spit it out into tiny bites for the other fish to swarm around and eat. He is a lot of fun, and soon I'll need to choose if I am going to be keeping him, or the rest of them. He is big, fat, and full of it. His favorite food is whole cockles in the shell. I hope I get to see him on TV, because my fish guy keeps telling me how huge he's gotten, and I just don't remember.


Active Member
I'm looking forward to seeing it again too - maybe get a better look at it, now that I know what's in there. :)