Monti caps keep dying


What is wrong with my moniticap. I have tried to keep several over the last few months and they all end up with this brown jelly/algae looking stuff on them. My Dkh usually stays around 9 and my calcium around 410 or so.


Monti eating nudi's??

Maybe to much light? He appears pretty high.
That coral in the bottom left of the pic looks good, how long have you had that one?


That coral in the bottom left of the pic looks good, how long have you had that one?
That is a brain coral that I have had for four months.
Lighting? How close are they to the light? Magnesium lvs?
They are probably 13'' away from the actual bulbs. I am not sure what my magnesium levels are, I do not test or does magnesium.
Are you dosing alkalinity?
I am dosing alkalinity, I think it has been pretty low lately, I am working on getting it up right now it is 9.3
Ph is also very important
My PH is good, usually around 8.3-8.4, stays very consistent.


Is this monticap pretty much dead, or is there still hope if I can get my levels up in time. Any recommendations?


WE can't tell that based on the pic. The only way to know if it will recover is to know if it is alive and the only way to know that is to see polyp extension.
I doubt it's your levels since your brain looks so healthy.
My guess would be that the monti cap was not properly light acclimated.
What kind of lights do you have again?


What kind of lights do you have again?
I have 2 175w MH 14,000 and 2x40w actinic flourescents
Could be alkalinity burn.How did you dose?With what? and how fast did you bring it up?
I brought it up with the bionic dosing stuff, added 10-15ml a day to get it up. So I do not think that was it because alkalinity has only increased like .4 a day.
Do you have it in direct flow. If you do this is most likely the problem. I had two caps start to go once I changed the flow.


Active Member
looks dead and based on the info here, looks like it wasnt acclimated to the light properly. Theres no problems with your water parameters.
You need to adjust your photoperiod or place the coral low in the tank and slowly raise it up to the final spot.


Active Member
with weekly 10% water change, there isnt a need to dose anything. my guess is too much light too fast. might want to start one off low, then move it up over a course of several week. do u hv a pic of the whole tank?
If its in direct flow thats the problem. Your killing the polyps with the flow. Don't worry about the light its not that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ineedfrags
I thought that SPS liked to be in direct flow?
They prefer strong INDIRECT flow, which means that it fluctuates and has turbulence. Aiming powerheads at the front glass, or water surface, or each other will help accomplish this. I use a mixture of all three. That way the polyps are not always blowing in one direction, but quickly sway back and forth.