Montipora Digitata?


"Rare Super bright Red Polyped Green Montipora Digitata"
He's sold for 50 bucks for a small 1" that a rip off? Is it really rare or uncommon? I told my friend to ask the boards first before buying but he's an impulsive buyer...but I wanted to double check for sure.


Active Member
Red in general is a rather rare color in corals, but I don't know about montipora species.


it may just be orange pending lighting thats over.
orange montipora isnt so rare.
the green base is a little more uncommon, but still not extremely rare. I wouldnt pay more than 20 bucks for a 1-2" frag of it.


I just bought a super nice Red Monti Dig that was about 4 by 4 inches, for 30$ yesterday, it doesnt have green on it, but he polyps are a beautiful red color, even under my inferior VHO lights, you can still see the nice red coloration fine!
Could it be a Montiopora Danae???


Well, let's see. Is it encrusting with little bumps in it or is it digit (finger)-like?
You seem to be trying to make some earth-shattering discovery that VHOs are adequate for SPS. Montipora is probably one of the easiest stonies to keep under less than halide lighting. I still havent seen anyone say that you cant keep some stonies under VHO, but you seem to like to wave your lighting in the face of some more advanced stony keepers.
Do you think you are the pioneer of "stonies under VHO" tank husbandry?