Montipora Many Colora!!


Active Member
A couple of pictures from a TOTM on another site.

Just for fun:
* Glue various colored Montipora frags on to a disk, and watch the results grow in like Emmett did. Great idea!


Active Member
Here is a full tank. You can kind of see it upper left.

Here upper and lower left

and top down off to the side here


Active Member
Google this;
Emmett Hood's (Emster) Reef Aquarium
to see the whole article and pictures.


Active Member
very cool. i bet if you did something like that, you could sell it for some major cash on the 'bay.
Originally Posted by MaryG
Very cool. I have orange monti cap. I am dying for some purple.
i got one last night. its dark purple with light purple polyps. very cool looking. i cant wait for it to grow out.