

Active Member
i want to know what kind of things i need to feed to keep a healthy montipora
i have 542 watts worth of light it is almost near the top of the tank any suggestions?
right now i am using kent marine zooplex and phytoplex
is that enough?


bro....formula 28 .., lugol solution and some DTS will do the work.....of course your reading levels should be at 0 and calcium at 450-500 at minimum !!!
my favorite coral !!!! too bad i cant have it....


Active Member
Give it a lot of flow and light. They'll eat the zooplex but not the phytoplex because phyto is too small for the polyps to eat.
I'm not sure which DT's product you're talking about, but if it's phyto then that also will not work. They can eat DT's oyster eggs though. Try not to go above 500 ppm Ca.


Active Member
so were talking about 15 bucks
so overall will it grow and survive in my tank if all the parameters are stable?


Active Member
Stable water params, high flow, and high lighting are (IMO) the three most important things to keep healthy SPS.


Active Member
yesterday i want to my lfs and asked about the dts oyster eggs and the guy said that they aren't as affective as the zooplex and phytoplex


Active Member
Just out of curiosity, why shouldn't Ca be above 500? Too hard to balance the alk with it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
yesterday i want to my lfs and asked about the dts oyster eggs and the guy said that they aren't as affective as the zooplex and phytoplex
Montis can't eat phytoplex.
Originally Posted by Pyro
Just out of curiosity, why shouldn't Ca be above 500? Too hard to balance the alk with it?
If both/either the calcium and alkalinity levels are too high or too low it becomes difficult for corals and inverts to absorb calcium and bicarbonates to make their calcium carbonate skeletons, they get stressed, and could die.
Just FYI natural seawater is at about 420 ppm Ca.
Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213

when do i have to start checking my alk i have had the tank up and running for 6 and a half months
Check Ca and alk together.


Active Member
It might, but I don't have any experience using it. I would trust Salifert's amino acids to do a better job than Kent's coral accel.