Moon lighting - what do you recommend?


What would you recommend for moon-lighting for a 29 gallon tank? Just how much light does one need? How much is too much and will disturb the fishes? Prices on-line range, so does anyone have any suggestions??


Search the threads for DIY moonlight. There was a very nice post/site that has DIY plans to make your own....which can have several bulbs....
otherwise you're gonna spend $20-30 on a single bulb one.
They do make a good addition to tanks.


We got some blue cold cathodes from ---- they came either one or two 12" bulbs with the inverter and switch included. We used some old 12v and 9 v phone adapters for power supplies, and have them on three of our 4 tanks. We love them. Did wire it wrong at first and burned out an inverter, but total cost was like 99c to 2.99. each and shipping. Can't get much cheaper than that.


Active Member
In the past, I made DIY LED moonlighting for all of my tanks (the largest being a 65g reef; now I have a 300g, and will probably use a 15W blue incadescent light). LED moonlights are easy to make, and provide a cool effect for the tank after the main lights have gone off. All of my LED setups that I've made have cost less than $10, and require only an hour or two of work.


You have to realize I am not handy and will no doubt electrocute myself if I try to make my own light.
So, I'll have to buy. How many watts does one need for a 29 gallon tank?