Moon Lighting


Active Member
OK i have a logical question here , I recently upgraded my lighting from stock to 260 watt Pc's so i was wondering if i could stick some marine glos in my 15 watt stock fixture's or is moon lighting a actuall set up i need to buy , i read that it is not beneficial to the aquarium that it just looks nice , and i figure that the marine glos look nice and when i place it up alittle higher than the tank it doesnt light it extremely but it makes it so it not totaly dark for my fish , or do my fish need this dark time , im just wondering cause i just recently heard about moon lights


it doesn't have any benefit to the tank, but does provide a more "natural" light flow. I personally like the look of moonlights, and i love watching my tank at night, so it makes it so much easier for me!


I have read that moonlights make no difference to a tank, but here's what I've noticed in my tank...
My colt coral stays "in bloom" during most of the night with our moonlights on, and I don't think it ever did when they were not present. Our moonlights are on a control that mimicks the cycle of the moon, which is neat that outside our moonlight is the same as what our tank is doing. I'm sure THAT part isn't doing anything for the tank though


Active Member
yes but my question is can i use 15 watt marine GLO for moonlights since i have it just laying around


i don't think so, but i'm not sure, as they just came with my jebo odyssea lights...


Originally Posted by crazyzeus1
I have read that moonlights make no difference to a tank, but here's what I've noticed in my tank...
My colt coral stays "in bloom" during most of the night with our moonlights on, and I don't think it ever did when they were not present. Our moonlights are on a control that mimicks the cycle of the moon, which is neat that outside our moonlight is the same as what our tank is doing. I'm sure THAT part isn't doing anything for the tank though
The moon has a direct affect on natures biological clock and spawning is often promoted by this factor.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
i don't think so, but i'm not sure, as they just came with my jebo odyssea lights...
sorry do not mean to take over thread but what do you have for lights jdragunas. I always see them on that big auction sight.



I have been told, not sure it's right, but moonlights when left on all nigth can create a algae problem. This came from my lfs and they do nothing but acquariums. Does anyone know if this is true? I would love to leave mine on but do not want the algae prob. I have the T5 lights with 4 lunar bulbs.


Active Member
Well talking about night time lights. Thay do make a light called LUNAR LIGHT and they are like 1 watt a peice and this creats a great moon light glow. they are only like $10 and u can buy an add on peice and connect them. I love watching my tank at night so its a good investment if you like seeing what happening in the dark. Also said to help stimulate swapning.


i have the odyssea 4x65 PC lights with built in lunar lights.


Active Member
DAMMIT i want them mkine ididnt come with lunars but i really like my setup
JD how big is your tank and what kind of corals do you have , i have the same amount of watts as you


i just got my lighting like a week ago, so i don't have any corals yet, and can't afford them for a while...
i have a 55g.


Active Member
well if u like ur ligthing system then spend like $20 and get teh lunar lights they are cheap and work good.


Active Member
yeah i was just looking on the internet and found some really cheap , it amazes me that they are only 1 watt