moon lights


Active Member
Originally Posted by yote
What are y'alls opinions on moon lights?
I personally like them, my cleaner shrimp are fun to watch at night when the fish are all sleeping. I like to spot feed them. They are so spoiled.
They actually start to congregate in one area of the tank when the lights go out so that I can feed them sinking pellets. As far as the benefit, I'm not sure there is any. They say that it is to mimic the moon. Not so sure on that. Anyway I like them and use them every night.


Active Member
they are cool i have some power compacts with four of them built in. they r awesome. i agree that the cleaner shrimp r fun 2 watch. i guess they are for viewing pleasuere only but, i heard that they suposedly stimulate spawining under the right conditions


Thanks for the input. Didnt want to waste the money if they weren,t worth fooling with


Moonlights rock!!!
They give the tank that extra look at night plus they serve as a spawning light for inverts from what i hear....I have all my lights on timers so they go on automatically so my tank is never dark...better for the fish imo!!

Here is what i got in my setup, very inexpensive and easy to hook up you can add on to these little guys to have a total of like 16 leds if you wanted!! :happyfish



Active Member
My mandrin comes out and swims the length of my tank when my moon lights come on. Kinda neat to watch him glide through the tank while the other fish are sleeping. Most of the day he stays in the rock work picking at pods in the rocks, but when those moon lights go on, he looks like superman gliding through the night above the rocks.


I think the first box (with 2 leds pictured above) come with the ac adapter is about $23 give or take, the add ons (w/o the ac adapter) they plug into the side of the main one, giving you additional leds is about $12-$15...This brand is more common than you think apparenetly all of companies on the net sell them!!!
Since i got a canopy now, i mounted them with the supplied screws inside and added a timer like a charm!!! Im very pleased with the way it turned out and they are just as bright as their counter parts that go for 40-60$ for a long fixture!!