Moon Lights ?


I purchased a few LEDs and a “project enclosure” from Radio shack a few months back with the intention of building moon lights for my 55. Well I set them down on my desk and I have been so busy that I have not had time to tinker with it. I planned on using an old cell phone charger as the power supply. It has an output of 3.7VDC 0.35A I don’t see anywhere on the charger that the current is regulated. The LEDs are from radio shack part # 276-316 they are 5mm 3.7volt 20mA 2600mcd. I have looked at other posts but am a little shaky on all the formulas for calculating the resistors needed. I would appreciate a little help… a wiring diagram perhaps showing the resistors needed and where to put them in line. Thank you.


Active Member
well the only experience with leds and wiring i have had was from an old radio shack science kit. the ones with all the springs and knobs that you connect the wires to. go get one of those im sure there is a diagram for something like that in the book. just change the power source to your cell phone charger. i know this probably wont help, but its just a suggestion.:D


If you're only concerned about the aesthetics of the moonlit look you may want to look into the $10.00 rope lighting at wal-mart/k-mart.They come in 6 foot length and look great!Some use red, i think blue looks exactly like moon lighting.

Originally posted by Katara
If you're only concerned about the aesthetics of the moonlit look you may want to look into the $10.00 rope lighting at wal-mart/k-mart.They come in 6 foot length and look great!Some use red, i think blue looks exactly like moon lighting.

They are 12' long and cost roughly $7.50 -- I bought and installed a blue one yesterday. The down side is; that they create a lot of additional heat, so they too should be on timers. Also, they cannot be focused or pointed into a specific location, as seems to be preferable to most.


I think that looks very did you attach the lighting to the hood?My roomie wants to use a staple gun on the rope lights but I'm worried about rust.


The rope lights may look good but I already have the material for the LED set up. Can anyone tell me what size resistors to use for my power source?
Dvs what kindd of lights are those. Whee did you get them?? Are they like christmas lights? Do you leave them on all niht?? What kind of effects do they have on corals or fish? Can ya tel me what they cost. If they are christmas light what inda bulbs ya put in?? sorry lot of questions but im interested in setting up something like that
I'm thinkin' strobe lights, disco balls, and surround sound baby!
Hmmmmmm -- Maybe if I were to drop in a set of waterproof speakers and play ELO's "Turn To Stone", 24/7, the coraline will get the idea and spread... :D


New Member
You shouldn't need to put resistors in the loop. You aren't stepping the voltage up, so the led's are only gonna pull as much current as they need.


Thanks stangfreak00. Just to clarify, what you are saying is that I will not need to put resistors in line if I run the same voltage LEDs as my power source.
very interesting I wsas also told that you can use an old Cell phone charger. How true that is I do not know but if you run the moon lights directly into the wall I would think that they would not have a long lighting life or they may even implode. They has to be some way to restrict the energy flow to the needed amount. I may be wrong may be some one else ahs a better understanding of the Moon light setup. I am intrested in doing it myself.