

moon light bulbs are designed to replicate the light fequencies of the moon from what i understood. i could be wrong!?!:confused:


They are usually made from LED lights, you can find them in some LFS premade, or you can try to make your own.
I just saw some interesting gadgets at ***** the other day that are spotlights, that come in blue, green, purple, and they look like minispotlights, Im wondering if one of these would act the same way.
They also have some cute addons for it, like lazerlight shows, like a lighthouse, and the light circles round and round in red, and a treasure chest that opens by air, and then lazer lights go spotting out all over.
Anyway, moonlights are usually Blue LED lights.


ahh ok got ya. Yeah we carry some laser spot lights, but they really dont do much. They make a radial glow in the water. not really that bright. And wayy to expensive...