moorish idol


New Member
i purchased a moorish idol at my lfs and he looked perfect i herd that moorish idols dont eat very well.well i got him to eat off my live rock and some roasted green alge two days later i saw my idol had white splotches all over so i checked my nitrite and so on.nitrites were .25 nitrates were fine no ammonia so i figured its my water so i did 30%water change two days later i see she/he is eating again but it still has spolotches my question is will they go away with good quality water.i checked water today perfect around the board salinity0.024 please help


Staff member
Sounds to me like your tank isn't cycled. This fish is very difficult to keep and should really be left to professionals.
Can you describe the "splotches".


New Member
ive had it running for 8 months i have a flame angel spotted puffer a gold spotted moray 6 years old damsels lemon peel angel cleaner shrimp 60lbs live rock i just checked every thing to day every thing perfect


Active Member
Did you look at the stickys at the top of the forum? They have pictures of the common diseases.


Staff member
Why do you have nitrites?? This is a big problem for all fish, but especially to a delicate fish like the Idol.