Moorish Idol


New Member
New to the boards but not new to the hobby. My query is obviously about keeping Moorish Idols, but I would love some feedback from those who have had success with them in captivity. I've done some research, talk to some "experts", but I want to be sure I have a fighting chance before I take the plunge.
I currently have a 125g that's been running for over a year. There is an XP3 canister, along with a 25g wet/dry sump, an over-rated skimmer and 50/50 actinic lighting. I've had success keeping some of the more "questionable" fish of their species: Copperbanded Butterfly and a Fu Manchu Lionfish. Keeping them company in the 125, is a snowflake eel, Threadfin Butterfly, a long spine sea urchin and some snails.
Here's one of my top questions that I received opposite advice on: Knowing that the Idol is a schooling fish, would I have better success trying a few together or one singlely? I do find a ring of truth in this, from my own experience with the copperband - I believe the threadfin helped him acclimate and got him eating quickly. Money see, monkey do. But can the same be said for the Idol? Would one school with the butterflys? Or would a group of their own species be more ideal? :thinking:
Any help is welcomed!


IMO I would not attempt to keep one in a 125gl. I know there is a person on this board that has one in a 300gl and he is having success. I am currently planning a large system either 670gl or 775gl and my desire is to keep 2 or 3 of them. I know they enjoy schooling and I feel that it will help them to eat.


I had one in a 125............ (I am new to the hobby) it did good for sevarl months then out of no were it went belly up :(
they are awazing fish to watch. good luck if you do it please post pics.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Devaji108
I had one in a 125............ (I am new to the hobby) it did good for sevarl months then out of no were it went belly up :(
they are awazing fish to watch. good luck if you do it please post pics.

This is EXACTLY the problem with these fish. Appear healthy and eating voraciously. Then out of no where dead. Try it if you want, but you would be better served mailing me a check instead.
Darth (moneyholder) Tang


these fish need to be kept in groups to live long. If you have just one or two they will as everyone says go belly up. a 125 will not be able to house the amount you need to keep the fish comfortable.


Active Member
IMO, you don't have close to a fighting chance. :( Not nice to say, but it is the way I see it.
A fighting chance, IMO, would be something around a 300g tank with a lot of LR - even a reef. Sw65galma has this and may chime in.
I kept one at an LFS for a year and it ate EVERYTHING. It survived tank crashes that took out triggers and groupers. It was fat. And then, one day, about a year later it was dead...just as most do.
I am afraid you will be hard pressed to find someone here who things you've got a good chance at keeping one. I would STRONGLY discourage even trying with that size system. If you do try, know that it will take at least a year and a half before you have any firm idea of whether or not it worked.
There are some hard to keep fish...but the success rate of keeping copperbands is downright great, IMO, compared to keeping idols.
If you are intent on trying, please set a limit. If one dies, please reconsider buying another. Purchase of them, IMO, promotes their being imported. And they just have a tragic mortality rate in this hobby.


Active Member
I agree with Ophiura, Sw65galma has a 300 gal tank that was built specifically for and with the moorish idol in mind. So far its been successful i think
But i wouldnt try it in a 125
I saw one at my lfs once, absolutely beautiful i have to say


my favorite fish ever! :happyfish ...................................................................................................
my aunt had one in a 400 , ithink, she said she thinks it died of over eating a certain kind of food with no nutrition and nothing else.... sucks she only had it a couple of months, but it was BEAUTIFUL! ***)


Active Member
It's already been stated several times that keeping an idol or idols in a 125 is not recommended and the chance for success is slim.
That being said, if you are set on keeping them, here's what I would do. First, they should be the only fish in the tank for now. I'd get rid of all the fish and add 2 or 3 to the tank. I'd also convert your filter to a refugium. This will serve 2 purposes, (1) it will grow a pod population and the idol may eat these and (2) it will reduce nitrates, which are often a problem with wet/dry filters.
They also require frequent feedings... at least 3 or 4 per day. And you should feed them a variety of foods that must include some sponge.
After the idols get comfortable for several months, you could think about adding another fish or 2.
I know this is more complicated than just buying one and tossing it in the tank and hoping for the best. This is JMO for the best possibility of long term success with idols.


Active Member
You do not have a fighting chance at keeping this fish. I am sorry to say that, but it's not going to happen in such a small tank. There is no way I would say copperband butterflies or fu man chu lionfish are nearly as difficult as moorish idols. I have seen both of these fish kept in captivity by many different people, but I cannot say the same about moorish idols.
Crimzy, why even give advice as to how to keep one? You make it sound like it is possible. You give the poster hope that it could actually be a reality, whereas, really it is not. Several months is not long term stability with a moorish idol like it would be with another fish.
I could not agree with this statement any more:
"Purchase of them, IMO, promotes their being imported. And they just have a tragic mortality rate in this hobby."
If the ignorance continues, the fish will just continue to be caught and sold and the cycle will continue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You do not have a fighting chance at keeping this fish. I am sorry to say that, but it's not going to happen in such a small tank. There is no way I would say copperband butterflies or fu man chu lionfish are nearly as difficult as moorish idols. I have seen both of these fish kept in captivity by many different people, but I cannot say the same about moorish idols.
Crimzy, why even give advice as to how to keep one? You make it sound like it is possible. You give the poster hope that it could actually be a reality, whereas, really it is not. Several months is not long term stability with a moorish idol like it would be with another fish.
I could not agree with this statement any more:
"Purchase of them, IMO, promotes their being imported. And they just have a tragic mortality rate in this hobby."
If the ignorance continues, the fish will just continue to be caught and sold and the cycle will continue.
I don't disagree with anything you said. Just figured if the guy was getting one anyway, that's the route I'd go to give it a fighting chance.


Active Member
Actually, I think crimzy was right on to give that advice, because there was nothing in it that was like "yeah, just throw it in and feed flake food." The advice alone may be enough to force people to reconsider. It requires basically getting rid of any other fish, totally converting the filtration, feeding multiple times a day....and even then your odds of success are very low. A lot of people will see that as too much work, but, IMO, it is the minimum requirement to even try - even though the tank is still a bit on the small side.