Moorish Idol


I was wondering if anyone who has had this fish knows how fast their little streamer grows. I've had mine for 3 days and its already 2 inches long! Now, I know he is a hard fish to take care of, I have done my research.... I just didn't know their little "streamers" grew so fast! When I got him there was nothing there, now , like I said above its like 2 inches long!


Active Member
please tell me you have a new tank for the moorish idol. they do not belong in a 80 gallon tank, period, its just not enough room for them.


I still have the 80 he'll be going to the 125 if he survives QT, just like ALL the fish .... everyone goes through QT , period end of story.


Active Member
the qt is commendable, but, a 125 is really too small for a moorish if you talk to some of the folks on here, most folks recommend 200+g for idols, if not bigger, i personally feel they are one of the fish that need to stay in the ocean, simply cause of their survivability record in captivity


Active Member
good luck with the idol though man, they do have such a crummy record, its always nice when someone manages to get one to survive, crimzy had 2, only one made it, an then he had to get rid of it cause it wouldnt leave his rays alone. they're a beautiful fish


This is why I hesitate posting here, I always feel when I ask a question someone has to lecture me, I did my research on the fish, I know. I just want to know how fast my Moorish Idols streamer grows, I know that it grows when they are in great water conditions, which mine has grown 2 inches in three days. When I brought him hime he didn't have a streamer. No tension, just would like my questions answered if anyone knows ... thanks in advance.


Active Member
honestly, i think it just depends man, i know crimzy's streamers grew pretty well, not sure if he documented how fast they grew in what amount of time, but, if youve got him feeding, your ahead of the game, thats for sure, but, 2 inches in 3 days seems friggin amazin if you ask me LOL


No joke, there was no streamer there on Sunday, now its there. Would take a pic but moonlights are on. I PM'd crimzy. Will post a pic tommrow. Thanks in advance for info.


Active Member
but apparently people thought we had a lot of tension goin on, i guess they expected us to break out the gloves an go at it


I am not sure ont he growth of the Moorish streamer, but I have Heinichus Butterflies that grew rapidly under good eating habits. Is your fish, small, young? That may have something to do with the no streamer to streamer so rapidly. I am just guessing, good luck and love to see a pic.
Here are some stats on that fish:
Moorish Idol
(Zanclus canescens)
Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons
Care Level: Expert Only
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Water Conditions: dKH 8-12, 78-80° F, sg 1.021-1.023, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size: 7"
Color Form: Black, White, Yellow
Diet: Omnivore
Origin: Hawaii, Tahiti
Family: Zanclidae
Reproduction: Egg Layer
Swim Level: All
I also do believe this is a fish that should remain in the wild, but wish you all luck, they are a beautiful fish. And you do have the minimum requirement for them, so you can ignore the moorish idol police. HEHE, just kidding everyone...
Sorry, I am unable to answer your original question
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
but apparently people thought we had a lot of tension goin on, i guess they expected us to break out the gloves an go at it

It's just because of the way you say things sometimes, you know what I mean.
Anyways, what's the usual cost for a Moorish Idol?


I got him for $47.... he sat at the fish store for a month and I have a great relationship with the LFS, he sold it at cost to me he said... who really knows.