moral question...


I had an expirence today much like someone on this board wrote about a few days back...I checked out a new lfs and it was a dump. I saw numerous fish in their death throws, yet I bought three new fish. I guess I felt like saving them. My question is did I do the right thing? Is it better to look a thing in the face and let it die, hoping to one day make this place go out of buisness, or is it better to do something for the struggling marine fish I saw? I don't know. These guys were not well priced, but if I can get them all eating and in a good home I will feel better. What do you guys think? Should we save fish, or try our best to put these places out of buisness? Keep in mind you have to have seen these fish in bad shape, not to mention corals and anems in terrible light and water quality. What should we do as a group?


Active Member
boycotting is a good idea, but difficult, IMO once you see the poor little guys
We have an lfs here that i do not like one bit, his fish look healthy(but then again, he keeps just what he can sell fast too), but I won't give him business, yet my boss likes the fish and he is close to our store, so when she goes, I have to go along and maintain control, otherwise, she would buy everything, just to have it and/or to save it.
YOU ARE RIGHT, we can't just let them die either


It's difficult to turn your back on suffering creatures, our impulse is to save them. It's understandable. But in doing so we are perpetuating a bad practice of our lfs. My solution...once you see the situation you mentioned do not go back to that lfs so you will not see those horrible conditions the animals are kept in. What you don't see won't hurt you. They will lose customers and hopefully go bankrupt...more animals saved from cruelty, hopefully:(


Active Member
ya i agree too.. buts its gonna be another person opening a shop down the street to replace the old one..


Active Member
I would also avoid the store, but I also let them know why I would not be back. Maybe they would change their practices.


OK I have an idea. When I was living in Mobile there was a pet store and the animals were being treated horribly. Although these were dogs and kittens, animals are animals! I believe the shop should be reported. Call you humane society and find out who would inspect the shop and report these people. They will be surprise investigated, given so long to clean up their act, then closed down or fined if not in complience. I do not think we should just boycott! These are defensless creatures who we have been comissioned to care for. Who are these people that they should profit off these animals and not care for them properly. MAKE A STAND, REPORT THEM!!!!! We see all the time about puppy farms being shut down for conditions, and horses being rescued, why are marine animals different? They are not. I will call my humane society and get the agency name that will demand these people clean up or get out of business. Suffering is suffering, fish do physiologically feel pain!
Okay I am off the soap box. I will post the agency name as soon as I get it. I am thinking it was the SPCA Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
AURGH to the scum.
Now I really am CRABBYPANTS!!!!!


Active Member
I agree with CrabbyPants. If you see a LFS like this, report it. We have one in Muncie that was just horrible. So, what happened? He was reported, fined big bucks, and it took him forever to get his license back.
PS CrabbyPants, have you been to any of the Indy *****'s? If any LFS chain should be shut down, this is the one.


Yup I have, I know what you are saying. I have found a great store on Southside, way out of my way, but they know their stuff and the fish are happy. I get the hebbie gebbies when I walk in ***** and see belly up fish, Wal-mart is better, JK


Active Member
I agree, but I do believe(unfortunately) that fish are not governed under these laws of animal protection. SADLY. So, it is up to us to care enough to make things happen(or not happen) for these stores.
It can happen.
if those other fish were dying they could have had disease which in turn your fish you bought could have and spread it to your tank. so although it sucks majorly i would have to not buy the fish. i would however try to contact someone about animal cruelty maybe the human society.


Hi there,
OK I called the ASPCA and they said if you have a SPCA in your area call them and they will direct you. I told them you were from Lake Bluff Ill and they gave me the Humane Society of central ILL # 309-664-7387. There are laws out there that govern this and if we report report report there will be exposure and change. Silence perpetuates the abuse of any living creature.


This is a free market economy, you vote with your wallet. Don't go back to that LFS, and tell everyone and their mothers about what a horrible place it is. If you buy their fish, they've won.
I remember a couple of years ago, I heard an employee at a LFS tell a customer that it was OK to keep 2 or 3 Tangs in a 30 gallon tank. When the employee went away, I told them that they could put 2 or 3 Tangs in a 30 if they wanted to watch them all die a slow horrible death within a month. Well, they bought a pair of clowns, and that time I won!
You see, the theory some LFS's run by is to get folks to buy the fish, doesn't matter what fish, or for what system, just buy the fish. When that fish dies, you'll buy another one, and so on. It's sad but true.
But unless you want to be the fish police, blacklisting the store is the best way to go. Don't even get me started on Pet**....