moray eel with what?


alright i've been looking into a moray eel but what else could i put in with it? a tang or clownfish or anything like this?


Active Member
It depends on the specific moray, and also the tank size. Is there a particular eel that your interested in keeping?


as stacyt said it depends on what type of moray and tank size. i would say a snowflake could go with a tang and clown.


Active Member
A snowflake would be your best choice. They are inexpensive, easy to keep, stay under 36", and will leave your fish alone. However they will more than likely eat any crabs, and shrimp.


Active Member
SFE generally will leave fish alone. I kept a scooter blenny, and firefish with mine for a few months with no problems.


I keep a SFE with a tang and some green chromis and it never bothers any of them. its been about 2 years now, and no problems.
Also it does not eat my crabs or snails. I have three cleaner shrimp, and they jump on the eel when he comes out and cleans the eel...very cool to watch.
hope this helps.


Active Member
SFE arn't generally considered reef safe, as some will bother inverts. I've kept mine without problems in a reef, it's hit and miss as far as what they will bother. Also you have to take into consideration the heavy bio load, wich is not godd for a reef.


I can only speak from my experience...and that would be that a SFE is reefsafe. He does "bump" into things, which can be a pain, and he does like to rearrange rocks to his liking, again a pain. However, he does not nible at the corals or anything.
As StacyT correctly stated though, they are large and messy there is increased bioload, without a doubt. However it has not been a problem for me...the cleaning crew takes care of the mess, and I am just careful about water quality. IMHO, the eel is probably my favorite in my tank.


I think a better question, is what doesn't it eat!
Mine eats: silversides, scallops, and pieces of shrimp (not brine, but big shrimp). He also occasionally mistakes my arm for a huge silverside...
I think you could put McDonalds in the tank and a SFE would eat it. At the same time, even when he is hungry, he leaves everything else in the tank alone.


Their natural diet is shrimp and other crustaceans, You can tell what a moray eats by looking at its teeth, crushing molars are for crustacean eaters, sharp, saber-like teeth are for fish eaters.


Active Member
I wouldn't risk small fish with a SFE... although they are one of the more peaceful fish... if they can get there hands on it... they will probably eat it... if they are hungry enough... Mine took down a yellow tail blue damsel.