Moray Fans!

Could U Possably Post You're Experiance With Housing Fish, Agressive/non Agressive Fish .,with Moray Eels. Or Moray Multiple Moray?
I Have Kept
Tessalta With A Clown Grouper,constant Attacks On Grouper Causing Him To Foam Up!
24inch Snowflake I Have Kept With Everything~!
Yellow Head Kept With Lg Clown, Dwarf Lion,red Coris Wrass And A Green Wolf Eel. Sad Story Wlof And Yellow Head Destroyed Each Other.
Chestnut Moray Kept Him With Lots Of Diffrent Fish With Exception To Anything Small Enough To Fit In Its Mouth.he Only Got Up To 12 Inches So That Left Plenty Of Room!
Lets Hear What Combo's U Have Had Or Still Have.
When my oldest Tesselata was still a Juvenile I kept him in a reef system, once he exceeded 3 feet I put him in in his own 300g. The only reason I took him out was because he was knocking over Live Rock. Not to imply I would never have taken him out, he most definitely needed more than a 175g, I just felt like he could have spent more time in there.
As far as that Reef, If I can remember correctly there was a porc, yellow tang, sargassum fish, and I really don't remember what else was in there.


I am not sure what you are asking, but I had a Fim-Yellow headed and it ate everything in my tank.
I had a goldentail and it ate nothing except what I fed it.
I have heard Tess's, Fim's and green morays will eat all tankmates.


i have a green white cheek moray and lions, and i wanna get another moray
is there any that are safe with my exsisting fish?


Well a Tessy is notoriously really aggressive. I have three morays with a bunch of fish. i have a Dwarf Moray(Gym Meletremus), Goldentail (Gym Millaris), and a Snowflake (Echinda Nebulosa) As far as the fish with them right now, some are being moved soon to another tank, but for now here is who's with them. There is no aggression whatsoever from the eels. I believe keeping them well fed and feeding them prepared foods on a feeding stick lessens their aggression. Also the three eels I have are not very aggressive by nature. With the eels is a Black Tang, Rhomboid Wrasse, Rhinopias Frondosa, PBT, Foxface, Borbonius anthias, and a x-mas island Emperor. Oh also there are a couple of damsels that got away from the Rhinopias. Regards, Tim
