more 240 pictures


Not just size, but how about lights, water currents, filter, spec, last time fish were fed. You know all those things we crave.
With 1 girl and 3 boys I like to stare at the pretty lights too.
It maybe a hobby,
but so much responsibility comes with it.


Active Member
Dockery, how much did the 240 tank stand and canopy run you? I'm interested in getting something that size one day but not sure if i want something that big or maybe a 155 bow.....



Originally posted by dockery07
bump just for you lilbuddy

;) Thanks buddy, awesome tank do you have a full tank shot. I would assume your hubby built that stand and canopy again i would like to see what he built this time. Even if he didnt build it I would love a full tank shot. Since I have been away you may have all ready posted this but what kind of set up are you running. I see its a 240, but lights etc???
great job!!!!!!:D



Originally posted by bdhough
Dockery, how much did the 240 tank stand and canopy run you? I'm interested in getting something that size one day but not sure if i want something that big or maybe a 155 bow.....

there are plenty of tanks that size and bigger around our area. I got a 300 used and my buddy got a 525. If you have not all ready I would join the nc frag group. This is a local reef club that meets once every 2-3 months and trades corals. There is also a BB and email forums where people post stuff locally for sale and trade.


Active Member
Okay what can I tell you.
The rest of the tank is not finished yet. But will look better than the first tank he built me. It is made to look like a built in, it will have shelving on both sides to also hide the reactor and the chiller,
I have a 1/3 hp powercooler run by a mag 18, aqua c 240 with a mag 18; mag 24 for the return pump;
lights are 2-250 MH lights 3 ice cap 660's the bulbs are 72" so I think they are 160 watts.
it has about 400lbs of live rock with 600lbs of southdown sand and some sand from my 180.
I feed them three times a day and do a water change once a week. I dont have to but I am pretty picky about that.
I also have 400 snails.
and the tank and stand are both used


How long do you think it would take us to break it all down and move it to my house. ;)
Glad you are enjoying you latest purchase(s). Sorry you had to go back to work to support you habit.:D
Are you going to the MAS "fest" at the Aquarium this Saturday?


Active Member
you would need about 8 people to move this tank. And ALOT of beer.
I do think I am going to try to go next weekend. It might be kind of fun. I need another frag of that fuzzy thing I got from you.


I assume your talking about the reddish pocillipora. I can only get a small frag, but I'll bring you a small yellow one to go with it.


Active Member
yes that is exactly what I am talking about. I will see you next saturday. I am actually bringing someone with me because I could never go alone.