more beginner questions..


I just did a level check..
PH- 8.2
Ammonia- 0-0.5
Nitrate- Pretty red which I guess is high..
Should I be testing Nitrite yet?
and at what point can I start adding fish..
My tank has been cycling for arounf a 2 weeks now..
I have a arrow crab and 1 blue damsel.. Both doing well..


Hi Robbie - Sounds like you are nearing the end of your cycle. but 2 weeks is pretty fast. The Nitrate spike follows the Amonia spike. Red for Nitrate is pretty high. You should not add fish until it goes to 0. It is too early for nitrite tests to be useful as you can't add fish yet anyway. Good Luck!!


I think you got it backwards on the nitrate and nitrite
ammonia is very toxic
nitrite eats in a sense ammonia as ammonia lowers the nitrite will raise. toxic but not as bad as ammonia.
nitrate eats in a sense nitrite as the nitrite lowers the nitrate will raise. at high levels can be toxic shoot for 0 but its really unrealistic you will still have some if only a trace.
after the ammonia and nitrite are at 0 then your cycle is complete and do a water change to lower the nitrates.


Michael - Thanks for the correction. Sorry!! The process goes Amonia builds, then nitrites build as bacteria feeds off amonia, and as nitrites break down they are converted into (or create) nitrates which are released into the air or are reduced with water changes. Do I have it right now?