More Corals Cominggg(pics to come soon)!!!!


Active Member
well, i'm gonna get two more zoo rocks and a mushroom colony on wednesday from the same person...they were doing 20% off which was nice, plus i forgot i got a 10$ off coupon for i think i got a good deal. they are some purple zoos, red i believe, i'll get some pics for you all, and the mushrooms are neon green that my finance really wanted
cant wait to get em, gonna have to rearrange the rocks some maybe. :joy: :joy: :joy:
Luke :happ :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
well they are FINALLLY here...i was so anxious this morning, free coral that i am aware of this time, however i have some type of urchin...havent looked it up yet, but he is attached to one of the rocks!!!! they are acclimating right now, i'll get some pics soon

Luke P


Active Member
i think its a purple urchin...its even with a rock with coral, so i assume its reef safe, but if its a purple, this site safe to watch it wish corals...soooooo, anyone with experience? i'll try to get some pics in about 30-hr.


Urchins reef safe or not, have the chance to bull doze over your corals... Just keep an eye on that.. Congrats on the nice urchin though!


Active Member
wel,i also found a little white star crawlin around too...i will keep an eye on the urchin for sure...worries me that he likes to hide than come out at night while i sleep so he can terrorize here are a couple pics of what i have.



pretty nice did you get these online? if so email me the store
the stare is cool, probally wont get much bigger, it looks like 1 of the little hitchhiker stars commonly found... cool none the less!!


The urchin is a rock boring urchin, I forget the scientific name. It won't bother anything but it does eat corraline algae. But, not enough that you would notice.
Good luck with your corals.


Active Member
some more pics...i also found another little guy, i'm guessin its another bristleworm?? not many bristles though...but who knows, i dont know worms well at all..



Active Member
thanks ocean, hopefully one day it'll look like yours
i thought the zoos were gonna be red, thats what i really want, but oh well, until another day
