more current


Right now I have a prizm skimmer that says its for up to 100g, don't know what the gph is though, a millenium 3000 and a penguin 660 powerhead on my 37g (24x18x21"). I know that with the millenium and powerhead, my water is being turned 12.2x/hour. Is there any way to find out what the gph on the skimmer is? And if I add another powerhead at some point, where should I put and how should it be positioned? I have mine in 1 corner in the back aimed towards the opposite corner in the front, aimed slightly upwards.


Active Member
my prism doesn't move crap! i check it every couple hours just to see if it's on b/c i've such a film on that corner of the tank. it's loud as heck, doesn't move water and i only use it to create a little bit of current whilst oxegenating. i can't recommend it to anyone for anysize tank.


Well I must've gotten lucky cus it's working for me. Can someone answer my question about where to place another powerhead and what direction to point it in?


Where the powerheads go will be largely determined by what kind of corals you have, what size the powerheads are, and what size the tank is.
What I've read, and been advised place a powerhead on each side of the tank, and angle each one so the flow is being directed to the middle of the front of the tank. The colliding currents from each powerhead on the front glass generate random currents which mimic actual ocean conditions.
Or....a few weeks ago I bought two attachments for my powerheads that direct the flow of water in a constantly changing 360 degree pattern (shoots water to the surface, then to the back of the tank, then to the bottom of the tank, then to the front of the tank and everything in between). They are powered by the water coming out of the powerhead. With one on each side of the tank, the current pattern is never the same. The main reason I bought them was to get better circulation fighting some cyno.
Plus, the snails like to ride them.:joy: I'll post a pic of them later after the lights come on.


What are the attachments called and how much did they cost you? The corals I am hopefully going to keep in the tank will be definitely colt, frogspawn, mushrooms and bubble. I'm also considering a zoo, branching hammer and a brain but I'm not sure that I have enough light for a brain (130w PC, 65w 10000k day 65w true actinic).


They're Hydor rotating water delectors. I've attached a pic of one in the tank, and a picture of the box it came in which will be in the next post. I paid $15.99 each at one of the LFS's.
They rotate in a constant 360 degree circle, and are powered bythe water coming out of the powerhead. Pretty sweet deal.