More cycle questions


So, the idea here is to get bacteria to grow, right?
Whatever way you do it...ammonia peaks first, right?
Then Nitrites peak as ammonia drops, correct?
Am I right in saying this is when you should remove the shrimp/damsels/mollys/whatever else people use?
If you used a hearty fish and they don't die, will it take longer if you leave them in?
If you used a shrimp, do you take it out and just let the tank sit bare until nitrites reach 0?
No water changes untill ammonia and Nitrites reach 0, right?


So, the idea here is to get bacteria to grow, right?
Whatever way you do it...ammonia peaks first, right?
Then Nitrites peak as ammonia drops, correct?
Am I right in saying this is when you should remove the shrimp/damsels/mollys/whatever else people use?
....... maybe see below
If you used a hearty fish and they don't die, will it take longer if you leave them in?
.......Maybe but you need the bacteria to cycle the tank
If you used a shrimp, do you take it out and just let the tank sit bare until nitrites reach 0?
.......You probably wont find the shrimp, It will be bloated and decomposing. Just leave it and get a few hermit crabs. They will take care of it.
No water changes untill ammonia and Nitrites reach 0, right?
You still need to do water changes every two weeks.
Hope this helps


So let the shrimp rot away and add the cleaning crew in after the full competion of the cycle?
And do regular water changes. I thought the nitrites were supposed to drop on their own. doesn't water changes take away the nutrients the bacteria need?:notsure:


I would leave the shrimp in the tank it will not hurt anything. Anything left from the shrimp the cleaning crew will eat. It would be ok to put the cleaning crew in the tank towards the end of the cycle,like when the nitrates start to drop.
I was wrong about the water changes during the cycle. Doing a water change now would just delay the cycle. Do one when the nitrates are at zero or close to zero. I did a water change when I cycled my tank and it took over a month to balance out. Sorry for the bad info. Hope i didnt screw up anything.


no. you're fine. i havent had time to do much lately. hopefully ill make some time to play. I finnaly got substansial diatoms so hopefully when I get to test my water it will be 0 nitrites


YEAH. my tank has finally cycled. All levels are good. I think i'll get a cleaning crew soon. then bumpadabum! (trumpet sound) Fishies!


yeah me and well go and collect. wehew i have been waiting for this for a while my dear pelena. lol
well when you get them hook up a pic for me. sweet