More eclipse 12 questions


New Member
Well i have 2 questions. First, I was thinking about removing the filter and adding my own in the back. I was thinking about useing an aquaClear 30. I would have to cut a small section out but htat wouldnt be a problem. What do you guys thinking about changing the filter and useing an aquaClear?
My 2ed question is the lighting. I would like to add some types of coral and stuff to my tank but wanna make sure ill have the right lighting. If i was changing the filter that would able me to add some type of lighting into the hood. I saw this bulb at my LFS and was wondering if it would be good for my tank. Its the Coralife 50/50 bulb. it said it was 50% natural daylight 6,000 K and 50% actinic 03 blue fluorescent bulb in one.
Im just trying to figure all this out before i go ahead and do anything. Id rather wait a little while and do it right then jump into something and kill everything.


You are a very smart person. Figure things now and do it right!
First of all, as much as I like aqua clears, I don't reccomend this change. Eclipses are a nice DECORATIVE systems that are suitable for freshwater aquariums. However, you can keep some saltwater fish without a problem. When it comes to reeftanks, Not a good idea. The 50/50 bulb that your LFS has is a regular flourescent with both blue/white but it doesn't put out enough light to support it. So with that said, you wiill not be able to keep corals in it.
You would have to change the whole entire lighting system in the eclipse hood to be able to do that. for example, Power Compacts, T5s, VHOs etc.
If you wanted a reeftank, I would reccomend another tank set up. believe me, they are worth it! And in a house, there's ALWAYS room for another tank! :)

Good luck!


New Member
Ive heard that the other tanks are better for reefs but this tank was free and ive already got my fish in it. Im already planning on changing the lights and figured while im at it i might as well change to a better filter. Ive used aquaClears on my FW tanks and love them. Which type of filter would be best for my tank?