will i be able to have more fish if i have a higher filtration rate? ill be running 2 filters (265 and 280) a UV sterilizer 9 watt, and a skimmer..is it possible. i think i would only have room for one more fish
Originally Posted by thenamshow
well i have a orange spot goby, bicolor psudo, fake clown and a lawnmower blenny in a 29 gallon tank with a 20 time turn over rate an hour
he already answered that question.
I agree, you need to worry about the adult sizes of the fish before you consider adding something when they are all babies, it may appear that they are doing well, but will eventually outgrow the system.
Originally Posted by browniebuck
he already answered that question.
I agree, you need to worry about the adult sizes of the fish before you consider adding something when they are all babies, it may appear that they are doing well, but will eventually outgrow the system.
oh, ya ur at ur limit already
my clown isnt getting any bigger, nor is my bicolor..how big is the adult size for a lawnmower blenny and a orange spot goby
i have figured out their adult size and it comes to 26 gallons following the 1/2 inch per gallon rule
Any 'x inch' per gallon rule is pretty bogus, and I have NEVER heard of something as much as a 1/2" per gallon! Not in SW certainly. Usually at best 1" per 5 gallons.
This is far more than filtration.Fish that are cramped together become stressed, regardless of water quality. They need space. IMO, be happy with the balance you have. Adding more is likely to cause trouble.
Originally Posted by thenamshow
darn...time to get a bigger tank =)
how many fish could i put in a 75?
and is it safe to put a 75 on the second story in a house?
answers in order, depends on species and maybe if the floors r slightly reinforced
Originally Posted by thenamshow
i dont think i would be able to do that seeing as below my room is the dinning room
well the no, it'll have to be on the main floor