More fish...


Without getting into a huge debate over whether or not I should be keeping yellow tang in my tank(obviously I think I can and he/she is doing awesome), do you think it would be possible to add a couple of firefish to my tank, I friend of mine has some in a aquarium he is going to take apart to house a chameleon of some sort...
Thanks for your thoughts, Mike
Oh, PS, the tank has been setup for a year and a half, 6 months in the present form, and the water levels are all fine. Specifically the biological filter is mature enough to handle the level of fish I have at this point with the nitrates <5ppm
Ok, you are about to hear it anyway. I don't car how small that tang is now, I would get it out of there before it all hits the fan. I would say, do NOT add anymore fish to that tank. It is WAY overstocked as it is. I'm sure others will agree with me and chime in on this. Sorry, but I can't avoid trying to stop what is obviously a bad situation. Please remove the tang and put it in a bigger tank.


Active Member
1 Flame Angel, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 True Perc, 1 Six-Line Wrasse, 1 Royal Gramma, 2 Sand Sifter Gobies

For now........:(


Active Member
Sorry to reply about this again but, this bothers me.
It is very clear that you have not listened to people in the past about thier recommendations.
Do you think it is fair that I use the thought process in my head, or the muscles in my fingers to try to convey the point that you don't need any more living (temporary term) creatures in your tank?
You are asking me to look the other way about the current situation that your tank sits it.......nope.......sorry. I like to look at things the way I look at them.......head on. It is not a good situation. Are you looking for that one person that will tell you that it is okay to do so? Looking to jump at the opportunity to make yourself feel okay about what you know is not right?
I am sorry to be a jerk about this (I know I am being a jerk) but, I am not going to be that person that gives you that snuggly feeling in your belly. It may happen that someone tells you everything will be fine with that kind of set-up but, here I am on the opposite end.......we will keep score to see what happens. :mad:
P.S. - Don't hate me. :)


A simple no would have been enough. I wish I could say thank you for your opinions regarding the tang but I can't, I never wanted them... Enough said, thank you for responding to my post anyways..
I went looking through some of your old posts after reading this one, and was horrified to find thatyou want to add a mandarin goby to your tank. Mandarins need at least 100# of lr, full of pods, which I'm sure you don't have. Please, I'm not being mean, neither is RyeBread, we just love fish, and can see that you are hurting yours. Please get a bigger tank or do something with all those fish. I know plenty of people on this board would be willing to take them in until you get a larger tank. Just please, listen to us and heed our advice.


Jillian, I'm not sure where you got the impression I'm keeping a Mandarin, it's the 1 fish I want, but I know with my current setup I'm not getting enough pod production in my refugium to support one...
Also, I congratulate you all for never having made a mistake through trial and error with one of your aquariums. I'm jealous that you could be so perfect.
I've gathered alot of valuable opinions from this mesage board, but as someone already said in this post - My Tank, My Choice


Active Member
I am perfect so I would not know this from personal experience but, from what I gather.......LFS take trade-ins. ;)
Maybe it would be a good idea to try to trade in your yellow tang for a firefish goby. Firefish can be a schooling fish if you get three or more. You could even trade in your flame angel and something else and get three of the firefish. I love the way those fish look in a small school. Good luck.


Active Member
I was going to figure out the length of your fish and how long they will be when they mature then compare that number to hte standrad templates of 1" of fish per 5 gallons ... but even doing quick math you have roughly 20" - 24" of fish - to keep that you would need 120 Gallons and you only have 55 gallons
so the answer is NO
PS - I am usually over-conservative - but still ....
While none of us are perfect, and certainly we have all made mistakes, the mistakes usually come from bad advice (i.e., lfs), or a lack of knowledge or bothering to read up on the subject. But here, you KNOW that what you are doing is WRONG and you KNOW you are hurting your fish. The difference, the ignorant don't know, YOU are not making amistake, you know EXACTLY what you are doing. Please take RyeBread's advice and trade in the angel and the tang for some firefish or something else small. PLEASE!


Active Member
Sure go ahead and do it, since you probably will anyway. Just do me a favor and go to these to links and read the articles. Ask yourself if you are helping situations at all. Let me take a bunch of fish out the ocean and put them in to to small of a tank, duh. I don't want to be rude but use your brain, and if you don't have one, listen to your concsience. If you don't have one of those either than there is nothing anybody can say that you will listen to so why ask the questions at all.


Active Member
I have more, but it gets even more scary. The good news is(well was) That coastal waters around the US were getting better, but with changes to current EPA laws, and enviromental codes big business can once again purchase polution coupons. If anyone is interested I can e-mail you some links for different volunteer organizations(beach clean ups, biological studies;taking water samples) just send me an email@
I have a laborador, a rotweiler, and a small horse in a studio apartment. Is it okay to add a doberman pincher? The apartment is clean, and all the animals are happy. Surely somebody has to give me the okay to get a dobie? I just have to have one.
Sorry, I am a little po'd. The pizza guy delivered the wrong pizza. Anyway, you get the point.


Active Member
He won't respond because we are not pandering to him. I have to admit I pander sometimes, because I'm a pander bear hehehe:D Sorry bad joke from dr doolittle 2