more flow?


Active Member
i set up my 250 as a reef.i took everything out of my overpacked 90 reef and added it to my already running 250.i figured i would get some algea bloom from finally turning on the 3 250 watt mh system.but its growing fast.the cuc isnt keeping up.i had 4 korilias in there 2 #3 and 2 the sump which really doesnt move alot of water.i figured 4 korilias would do this morning i figured i have 2 #4 korilias sitting from the 90 i would add them if it was too much i could take them out.well here it is evening.the corals look awesome all blown up and swaying all over.damn 6 big powerheads.i was thinking of getting a bigger tank but i would have to move to the next level of flow.they would cost as much as the tank?
who here has a 200+ tank and what powerheads are you using.i like what adding the two has done for the tank.


I have a 225G..In it I Have 6 Powerheads....2 Koralia 1400, 1 Koralia 1050, 1 Koralia 750, and 2 K3's...I also have a fow bar on each end moving the water across the top...ou may be able to see the one on the far side, but you can definitely see the water movement on top
AND the return from the sump
In this pic...from the side, you can see the 3 I have on the left side of tank....then the center....then all the way to the right you can see the other 2


Active Member
the sailfin is sweet.when i feed i see the food go all over no dead spots but apparently noe eneough.looks pretty good noe. so now i have 4 #4's and 2 #3's in there.hopefully it helps with the algea.i havnt tested the phosphates .i have a test kit for it .probably should huh?
but it didnt start till i put on the big lights.
i need to get a bigger cuc in there.i take out snails for my mantis .so they are thinning out.


Let me ask this,......when you changed to the MH lights...did you acclimate them to the tank? or did you just throw them up there and turn them on?
ALSO....hoe long do you keep them on for? AND YES....test your phosphates....I had an issue that I finally...finally resolved


Active Member
after years of doing this i am not so paranoid as a newbe should be.
i put all the corals right in the tank.set my mh from 11 am to 8 pm.
so i figured i would get a bloom.dont get me wrong it isnt out of control.
i can see 90% or more of everything in there.tell just hours after i put the 15 or so corals in there and hit the lights they all bloomed up and looked extra hammer coral is bigger than a soft ball the 90 he never got bigger than a baseball.


Active Member
probably right but i am not having any heat issues so i leave them there.actually i had to plit one of my torch corals it was getting huge.bonus

i really want to move into the clams.but need to research them a bit more.
more worried about the calcium intake of all these corals put together.then to add a couple clams which you know are greedy calcium eaters to the mix.
well since i aint doing nothing i am going to do the water test now.


Active Member
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
even nitrates 0
ph 8.4
calcium 22 drops forget what that amounts to?
actually phosphates barely has a color so looks like zero to me.
damn healthy tank
i am curious the algea that is growing has alot of air bubbles on it?
there are no bubbles anywhere else in the tank.any idea why that is?


Active Member
just some hair algae.watching my sabers game .2nd intermission .tied 1 to 1
rangers make
their sweep tomorrow.looks like yankees come here for game one :0)


Active Member
my sabres just won hell yea.
if the ranger lose to the yankees i will live but my sabres is where its at.
but rangers are looking great the yankees not at their top game right now.


I have a 265 and have 3- 1050 Koralia evolutions and 1 Mag 8. I love the mag 8 but the evolutions not so much. Im looking to up grade.