More liberal do as I say, not as I do


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
somebody to watch over these companys that have gotten to big to fail.
i'm sorry, but watching over companies and preventing them from failing is NOT WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS FOR!!!
why let all the small businesses fail??? why tax the crap out of them so the big businesses can get all that tax money, spend it, and STILL FAIL or get more money???
this administration is going to build bridges and keep them in good repair so people can get to the small businesses??? AFAIK small business is what keeps this country alive. big business is killing the country... btw, there aren't all that many bridges in CT that have not already been repaired... and the bridges they DO repair go months overlong and millions overbudget.
you wanna save this country by spendng tax dollars, get rid of the "prevailing wage" rule so more can be done without spendng 40% more to do it. Oh wait... that isn't what unions want... Let the capitalist society we're in run it's course, let companies that should not be in business as they currently are file for bankruptsy instead of pouring money into them.
you'll see the small businesses grow and fill the void those companies left, and everyone will prosper.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
history is history the world has changed people dont want the same things now as in the past. one of the biggest problems the gop has it wants to live in the past. do you really think that a majority of people today think like you do. there is this thing called progress and people like it. i am just saying if the gop tries to go as far right a rush they will never get even a moderte reb to vote for them in this day and age. the right base is so far out of touch it is crazy. welcome to 2009 things are different now.
This is what is going to ruin MY Contry.


Originally Posted by renogaw
i'm sorry, but watching over companies and preventing them from failing is NOT WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS FOR!!!
why let all the small businesses fail??? why tax the crap out of them so the big businesses can get all that tax money, spend it, and STILL FAIL or get more money???
this administration is going to build bridges and keep them in good repair so people can get to the small businesses??? AFAIK small business is what keeps this country alive. big business is killing the country... btw, there aren't all that many bridges in CT that have not already been repaired... and the bridges they DO repair go months overlong and millions overbudget.
you wanna save this country by spendng tax dollars, get rid of the "prevailing wage" rule so more can be done without spendng 40% more to do it. Oh wait... that isn't what unions want... Let the capitalist society we're in run it's course, let companies that should not be in business as they currently are file for bankruptsy instead of pouring money into them.
you'll see the small businesses grow and fill the void those companies left, and everyone will prosper.
I don't think you understand i hate big business too. I blame the last administration for letting these companies get so big. They should have steeped in before and said if you fail our country fails, made sure that these company were being ran well not into the ground. I am starting a small business right now actually. The way the tax law is, the raise in taxes over $250,000 should not really affect small business. That tax is on personal income not business income. If you are claiming all your business income as personal income thats your own fault. There are better ways of doing it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
the womens right to choice . afforable health care for all. affordable education. somebody to watch over these companys that have gotten to big to fail. equall rights for women and minoritys.
It's the Government's responsibility to protect its citizens, not allow them to be slaughtered.
Affordable health care? Not the Government's job.
Education? Not the Government's job. Besides, if you can't afford online classes or the Junior College then there are other issues at hand.
Regulating business? Not the Government's job.
Equal Rights for Women and minorities? That is the Government's job. I fail to see how the Democratic Party is the champion of either cause.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
I don't think you understand i hate big business too. I blame the last administration for letting these companies get so big. They should have steeped in before and said if you fail our country fails, made sure that these company were being ran well not into the ground. I am starting a small business right now actually. The way the tax law is, the raise in taxes over $250,000 should not really affect small business. That tax is on personal income not business income. If you are claiming all your business income as personal income thats your own fault. There are better ways of doing it.

The "Big 3" were that well before Bush ( either one). So, you want the gov't to control industry, that seems like socialism/communism. WOrked well in the USSR didn't it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rslinger
I don't think you understand i hate big business too. I blame the last administration for letting these companies get so big. They should have steeped in before and said if you fail our country fails, made sure that these company were being ran well not into the ground. I am starting a small business right now actually. The way the tax law is, the raise in taxes over $250,000 should not really affect small business. That tax is on personal income not business income. If you are claiming all your business income as personal income thats your own fault. There are better ways of doing it.
Are you channeling Karl Marx?

When would you suppose these mega corporations were formed?
Exxon -- Mobil
British Petroleum -- Amoco
Pfizer -- Warner Lambert
Citi Group -- Travelers Group
MCI -- World Com
Bell Atlantic -- General Telephone
Glaxo -- Smithkline
Wells Fargo -- First Interstate
Chrysler -- Mercedes
But lets blame "The last administration.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Regulating business? Not the Government's job.
Actually it is, and has been, since the late 19th century when the gov't was FORCED to put regulator laws on reckless capitalists that, ironically, did almost exactly what has happened recently (just in a less 'technical' manner as it was legal at the time).
Also, before you flame me for the "reckless capitalists" phrase, notice I didn't say reckless capitalism.....I'm not blaming the system....


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
It's the Government's responsibility to protect its citizens, not allow them to be slaughtered.
Affordable health care? Not the Government's job.
Education? Not the Government's job. Besides, if you can't afford online classes or the Junior College then there are other issues at hand.
Regulating business? Not the Government's job.
Equal Rights for Women and minorities? That is the Government's job. I fail to see how the Democratic Party is the champion of either cause.
The government's job is to ensure the citizen's life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Which I would thing would include a police type action to ensure basic morals are enforced, ie not killing, stealing and that.
So in that sense it is a part of government's job to act morally, you know like actually pay your workers, maintain contracts, basic golden rule type stuff.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
Actually it is, and has been, since the late 19th century when the gov't was FORCED to put regulator laws on reckless capitalists that, ironically, did almost exactly what has happened recently (just in a less 'technical' manner as it was legal at the time).
Also, before you flame me for the "reckless capitalists" phrase, notice I didn't say reckless capitalism.....I'm not blaming the system....
Who forced the Government to do this?