More live rock!!

chris l

O.k. here is my question. How long will live rock stay alive out of the water. I bought 50 more lbs of live rock from a person on this site and it is being shipping 2nd day. They told me it was shipped yesterday so I would assume it won't be here until Monday. Can I put this right into my tank or should I treat it as uncured live rock. Thanks for the help.

rabid frog

Active Member
I think I would would put it in another tank because there will be some die off on the rock that may cause and "mini" cycle in your tank. just a thought

ed r

Even shipped overnight, you would have had to consider it uncured. The only way to avoid that is overnight in water, which hardly anyone does because of the expense. Water-dwelling creatures do not do well for days in wet newspaper. Certainly a lot of stuff will survive, but there is no way to avoid some die-off, ammonia, and nitrite. Put it in a couple big Rubbermaid tubs (Walmart for $3.97) with heaters and powerheads. Measure the ammonia and nitrite daily until both are zero for at least a week. If you want, you could put some lights over the tubs if you have them, but that is not critical.