New Member
I have a 55 gal. Right now I have a yellow tang, 4 damsels, 4 clowns, chocolate chip star, 2 hermit crabs, cleaner shrimp and an anemone. I dont have any live rock, at least for a while. I have had no big problems and have only lost a couple of fish. My question is this, how essential is a protien skimmer?
Also, can I add more fish or is this enough?
What advise can you give me??
I read a couple of books before I got into this, but I admit, I started this pretty clueless, and still am. I think I have just been very lucky with my fish. I had a freshwater tank for about 5 yrs before changing over to salt. I am enjoying my tank and I love working with it. I just feel like I still dont have a clue what I am doing. :happyfish
Also, can I add more fish or is this enough?
What advise can you give me??
I read a couple of books before I got into this, but I admit, I started this pretty clueless, and still am. I think I have just been very lucky with my fish. I had a freshwater tank for about 5 yrs before changing over to salt. I am enjoying my tank and I love working with it. I just feel like I still dont have a clue what I am doing. :happyfish