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Here are some more pics let me know what you think all these are taken with my Sony Digital video camera on its still setting so they may not be the best listing is 2 96 PC 03s and 2 175w MHs



Active Member
Beatiful pics!! I love that lion. Can u post some more pics? How many gallons is it?


He eats Mollies and Guppies like mad usually 4 or 5 a day plus he will eat live ghost shrimp but he has a hard time getting them before my triggers get them I enjoy watching him track and eat live food so I havent attempted to get him to eat frozen



what other fish can u keep with a lion, i want a lionfish in my reef , but i also want other beautiful fishes. lol. Can i just put fish that are bigger than his mouth?


Active Member
Originally Posted by glyle41
He eats Mollies and Guppies like mad usually 4 or 5 a day plus he will eat live ghost shrimp but he has a hard time getting them before my triggers get them I enjoy watching him track and eat live food so I havent attempted to get him to eat frozen lion isnt goign to last long on that diet and will die a premature death from lack of needed nutrients...... if he will only eat live foods, then at least feed saltwater foods like white shrimp.... a popular site run by two doctors sells them for pretty cheap and they reproduce quickly. also please strive to feed frozen for the fish's sake.